Ch-10)Monster or Dracula or both....

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Three months later.....


The lunch bell rang . I left my history class with half eyes opened as if I was on sleeping pills and my walk made me resemble more or less with a zombie ...

"Aaaawwhhhh" pandiculating  I wipe away a tear that came from the corner of my eye.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" A strange familar....horribly familiar voice startled me.

The madman  started laughing his lungs out ,  who finally stopped when I gave a stern look. 

raising  both his hands in the air making the sign of seize fire. .

"ETHAAAAN!" I screamed "Can't you come like a normal human being. I know you are a monster but you don't have to show that you are Dracula also...!" 

His face expression suddenly changed from smile to frown

.He started nearing towards me closing the distance between us.

I was slowly moving back and DASH! my back hit the locker

"Ouch!" a small squeal came from my mouth. 

Ethan was still coming near.. near..near.. 

I saw both sides to see which side people were less to run as fast as I can and dodge him.

The right side had fewer people so I prepared myself to run and moved forward when THUD!

 Ethan's left hand dashed just over my right shoulder  on another locker.

I ignored him and tried on the left and again THUD! this time both his hands were beside my head. I am stuck.

He stared at me as if there was some revenge towards me that I left on him to finish. He came closer . 


 My throat constricted . 

 He moved his face beside mine and reached  my ear and started in deep and slow tone .....

"Monster haa! That was very uncreative of you I say! But since you think of me like that .....I guess now I have proved it the right way!" ....

and then there was this silence .

.. I opened my tightly shut eyes and-and....
there was no one there.

Am I dreaming.... or drugged..

I loosened the grip of the book in my hands and put a hand on my chest and breathed relief!


"AARRGHH!" I yelped  loud enough that people passing by turned and saw me and started laughing  .

Ethan was holding his stomach with one hand and the locker handle with another and laughing like a mad man uncontrollably.

My hands were still pressing my mouth and my books already fell on the ground when I shouted.

Finally, he stopped laughing like a retard and stood up , yet he had that sheepish HEHEHE still going on holding his stomach.

"My GOSH! u are such a mousy! " Ethan mocked and hid his grin with his wrist.

I was still blank and extremely cold feet at the moment. I didn't understand how to react at this situation.

Either kill him or run for my own life..

What if he again turns into a monster.

I just gawked him with wide eyes   far gone in my thoughtland which ended when he clicked his fingers .

Miss Trouble makes it out alive! Finally !Where stories live. Discover now