Ch-4) A Chicken Grilled sandwich I tell you...............

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It's three weeks since i joined the school. Everything is almost normal. ALMOST.. because i have suffered Ethan's mockery and made a brand new enemy for myself actually bunch of people who hate me.  The Top list included four wicked witches Aurora Roberts , Heather Brooks , Brianna Cox , and Tamara Diaz  . They even sound like those vamps in daily soaps and movies  don't they?. Each of them was an antique i tell you.

 They were not that typical girl gang with one leader bossing overall .No no no!.... All were equally low life,  nasty, brainless idiots, with false self-esteem and extremely cruel who always insulted everyone, who i think never even left the bathroom without makeup after  the shower ... you get my point!

This is how it started ............

A few days ago i was sitting in the cafeteria when these egocentric barbies walk in with a girl whom i never really saw with them.

 They were ordering her things as if she was her slave! 

I was looking at them when my eyes met with Brianna and i instantly look away. I could see from  the corner of my eye that she was still seeing me . So.. to make her look away from me,  I got up and went to the counter to order something and she turned away to her group. Phew! 

"A  chicken grilled sandwich please ." I ordered on the counter.

"Yeah a moment" the guy went to put the slices in griller.

Suddenly a girl came next to me "A chicken grilled sandwich please!" 

This was that same girl whom those witches were troubling. She was like 5'6 tall fair and like really beautiful like some fairy tale doll . Her hair was l not exactly till shoulder little more long from her shoulder medium shade of  Brown with a pointed jawline.   Wow!  I never really noticed her so close. She looked all tensed up. 

The cafe boy put the sandwich plate on the counter when both of caught the rim of  the plate and putting money at the counter at the same time. The cafe boy looked at as confused , we turned to each other looking confused. Then we both moved away our hands together. 

"This is the last chicken grilled sandwich for the day. We are out of chicken.! But I have some chili cheese sandwich left still if any one of you want instead of this!" The boy said.

"I ordered first," I said in a polite way to the girl

She shrugged "Umm... Okay! But can you please take any other thing . I'll pay for it! I really need this sandwich !" and she was turning toward those four witches, again and again, all nervously . 

"Hey! .." I put my hand on her shoulder"Everything okay?"

"Yeah! ... It's fine .. fine .. m okay .. hmm.." She was nervously mumbling in her mouth! 

I don't understand the reason behind her behavior so I simply gave her the sandwich and ordered chicken nuggets instead. 

"Thank you ! soo soo much !" She took my hands in her palms and pressed it "I will pay whatever you order for ! " She blinked her Light brown eyes.

"It's okay .." I took out my right hand from her's and put it on her shoulder " You don't owe me anything okay! It's just a sandwich..! " I assured her.

She smiled and I am telling you she looked so cute when she smiled. She shrugged  "It's just not A SANDWICH. Believe me!" She laughed "Okay... I have to go now... I'll see you again " 

"Yeah.. okay nice to meet you ! " I smiled and she took the plate and-and started walking when she suddenly stopped , came back to the counter where I was still  waiting for my order beating my nails on the counter like a piano ... I turned to her where she was smiling 

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