Unexpected Friendships

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**IMPORTANT (kinda):
If You Haven't Read The First Book Then I Advise You Read It first Before Reading This One.
As a (what was suppose to be uploaded on Christmas but I forgot) Christmas "treat" here's the new and improved beginning to the second part of:
He's Worth It...Right

Don't forget to Vote & Comment please. It helps me know if people are enjoying the story :)
Now that that's outta the way ON TO THE STORY MY PEEPS!

Jack's PoV

I sighed deeply as I sat down in my seat.
My mind was racing with the thoughts of what had happened over the past few days with Mark.

Would things between us work out with me being in Ireland and him being across the fucking ocean in Los Angeles? What's if he decides it would be easier if he broke up with me?
Fuck sake...I should stop thinking like that it's been less than half an hour since I left him...

It was going to be hard being away from him and not seeing him...but I've always been far away from him...It never upset me then, when we were just friends, so what made it different now? Why was me and him being an actual "thing" going to make any difference?

I was pulled out of thought by the feeling of the plane taking off...Man I hated this part. I shut my eyes and waited for it to be over.
As I felt the plane go further up into the sky I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see the sun shining out over Los Angeles.
It looked beautiful and definitely beat what the weather was like when I landed here...

I took my phone out to take a picture of it but was stopped when I realised my phone background was me and Mark...I quickly took the picture and put my phone down.
I continued to stare out the small window looking down on LA, knowing that Mark was down there, somewhere...probably not even thinking of me...I felt my eyes start to go watery and the tears, yet again, began fall down my face again following the trail of the ones from before...
The tears hit my lip and the small droplets filled my mouth with a horrible salty taste. I wiped my eyes but just gave up as I started to cry even more burying my head in my hands not even caring about what everyone else on the plane thought of me.

"Um sorry to bother you and I know this is a stupid question but, are you okay?" I was pulled out of my cry baby moment by the sound of a female voice. I turned and looked at whoever was sitting next to me.
It was a young looking woman, she looked about 20 and had long blonde hair with the ends dyed orange.
I wiped my eyes again in an attempt to clear away the tears that stained my cheeks.
"Uh yeh I'm fine thanks." I said quietly.
"You don't seem it. You're crying...sorry you don't even know me." she said still looking at me. She then put her hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Amy. I get it if you don't want to tell me what's up because you don't know me and we just met but we've got 11 hours to kill and my friends say I'm a good listener so..."
I put my hand into hers and shook it.
"I-I'm Sean but my friends call me Jack...I'm sorry I'm a bit of a cry baby right now..." I said, trying to hold my emotions together.
"It's fine. You probably have a pretty valid reason to be crying, you gonna tell me what's up?" She said smiling at me.
I turned and looked out the window again. LA was gone now, and so was Mark...

I shook my head to try and forget about everything I was leaving behind. I turned and looked at Amy then began to tell her everything that had happened between Mark and I.

After I finished telling her everything she looked at me with a half smile.
"So Yeh...that's pretty much what happened..." I said with a half assed smile.

"Wow...That's a lot for someone to go through in just 3 days Jack." She looked at me with a sad expression and I just slightly nodded my head. "Yep..." I said quietly.
"You want my advice? I don't know if this will make me sound like a bitch or not but if I were you I'd be messaging that Jordon guy and asking him what the fuck happened. If something did happen then he's bound to know. I really hope nothing happened because after what you just told me I think you and Mark sound like you would be cute together...But that's just my opinion, if you want to leave things the way they are then don't listen to me." She said as she turned to look at the screen in front of her.

"Huh...I honestly never thought about messaging Jordon before, I think I might actually do that when we land in Ireland..." I sighed. "I really don't think Mark would ever lie or cheat on me, he cares about me..." I stopped and looked at Amy who was rummaging in her bag for something. "And thanks for listening by the way...I appreciate it." I added on as she looked up at me.

"Ah it's no problem. I like being there for people whether I know them or not, my mom always told me that it's good to be nice to people everyday cause you never know what they're going through." She smiled at me as she turned on the small screen in front of her, it was playing Deadpool.

"Yeh that's what I'm like. Anyways again thank you for listening. I'll let you sit in peace now." I laughed turning on my phone to check the time.

"That you and Mark?" I heard Amy ask as she pointed to my phone screen.
"Oh uh yeh it is. That was from the night he took me to the overlook..." I said thinking back to that night again.
"I was right. You guys are pretty cute together. I hope things work out alright with you two... Y'know with the whole long distance thing." She said as I smiled at her.
"Thanks...I hope it works out as well..." I said as I took my earphones out of my bag and plugged them into my phone.
"I'll let you watch your film now." I said laughing.
"Alright. If you need anything just say." Amy laughed as she plugged her headphones into the side of the small screen in front of her.

I put my earphones in and put my "Good Songs" playlist from Spotify on, I hit shuffle as I laid back into the grey seats to try and help me forget about everything that made me want to cry.

At first I heard the intro tune and I knew exactly what song had came on first.
Five Nights At Freddy's: Night 2 (the musical)

I quickly skipped the song before Mark started to sing.
The next song to play was March To The Sea by Twenty One Pilots...I turned my phone off and lay back into the grey fabric seat.
Before closing my eyes I took one last look out the window. Nothing but clouds and small patches of distant sea was all I could see.

I then shut my eyes and drifted off to the music.

**Eeek so what you guys thinking about it so far?
I felt like I needed to put Amy in just cause she's awesome af haha (don't worry. Signe/Wiishu makes an appearance later on haha)

Don't forget to Comment & Vote. Would be much appreciated :)

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