- A Little Too Drunk -

79 4 9

3rd Person
(Why? because I can)

"Hey, Jaaaaaaack!? You know what you should do? You should totally message that sparkly pants dude!" Amy slurred as she drunkenly stumbled over to the two people who were standing in the kitchen doing shots of tequila.

The time had reached 11 pm and the 3 friends were now drunk to the point that they were seriously going to regret drinking so much the next morning.

"Amy, yes, hello! How can I help- Oh you smell so goooooood! Like pine-grapes." Jack slurred out as he slammed his 4th and final shot glass down on the table. "DAMN! TEQUILA IS GOOD! Not beer good. But goooood." Signe, who was stood beside him made a gagging sound as she downed her final shot.

"The fuck is a pine grape? and how can you like tequila is so gross." Signe laughed before covering her mouth and darting for the bathroom.

 Amy snorted and walked around the island in the kitchen to take Signe's place next to Jack, she patted the green ball of fluff that was on top of Jack's head as he began to laugh.

"Well that's one man down, and what is a pine-grape dude?" the blonde asked, pouring herself a shot while doing so, she wasn't as drunk as the other two but she nearly at that point.

Jack turned to face her with a face of shock. "Amy. It's what happens when a grape and pineapple have a baby! Anyhoo. What were you saying about Sparkly pants?" He asked as the two went back through to the living room.

"I don't actually remember." Amy sighed as she fell down onto the carpeted floor. "OH WAIT! JACK YOU SHOULD TOOOOTALLY MESSAGE HIM!" She yelled a little too loudly.

"SHHHHH THE NEIGHBORS SHALL HEAR YOOOOU!" Jack called as he put his finger over Amy's mouth. He then began to attempt to unlock his phone that was on the coffee table in the middle of the room. "Aaaaamy! Why is the phone not unlocking? WHAT IS THE MAGIC CODE!?" the green-haired man said as he collapsed on the ground next to the blonde woman. As he landed on the ground with the phone Amy looked at him and burst into a fit of laughter.

"Jackaboy that's the remote for the stereo you fucking doofus. Your phone is here." The blonde haired woman drunkenly stated as she careless threw Jack's phone at him, luckily he caught it.

He successfully unlocked the phone and opened up the messenger app.
"What should I say, Ames?" Jack said slouching into the beanbag.

"Just say; Yo whaddup I just wanted to ask you if you've seen Mark recently like after the whole incident? Something like that. Now imma go see if the Wooshers is doing alright. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She then crawled her way out of the room in search of Signe. 

"Me? Do something stupid? I wouldn't dare!" 

And with that Jack began typing to Jordon. 

Yooo! waddup Sparlypoozzz How You doing??? YA Doin gooood???

just wondering if you gave been talking to Mark at all?????

Fudgesuxkles. What happens between you two that night I dropped by to say howdy??? Were you guys fuxking???!??! Y'all better noT have been.

NO I DIDNT MEAN TO SENT THAT. ASDFGHJKLL IM SORRY SPARLKY FORGUVS MEHHHHH. Nah but for real. You guys are some of my besty friends and y'all bean the world to me. Amd I would cry if y'all had been sneaky snaking behind my backkk. But I Love ypuuuuuuuu

Message Sent

I feel ill.

I might throw up

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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