-Secret Friends-

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**I get that no one is reading this but imma continue it because I'm not someone who will start something and not finish it.**

Jack's PoV

"So where are ya wanting to be dropped off Jackaboy?" The female's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, my roommate said she'd get me at Hair Chair salon. So uh yeh...You can drop me off there, please...If you know where it is." There was a sound of silence as Amy slowed down and came to a stop at the traffic lights. She turned and looked at me with a confused look.

"Yeh, I uh know where that is." She shifted about in the seat, getting comfortable. "Funny...my friend said to meet her there today as well." there was a pause before she turned and looked at me with a shocked and confused looked. "Hey uh, Jack?" I turned and looked at her.
"What is it?" I said, confused.
"Is your roommate called Signe by any chance?" Amy questioned as the lights turned green, she slowly put her foot on the accelerator and the car began to move again.
"How'd you- Yeh she is," I said, still confused. I heard Amy let out a quiet laughed.
As we drew closer to the hairdressers I began to talk again. "Do you think she knew we were coming on the same day? I don't think she knew we'd meet each other..." My voice was filled with surprise as I let out a laugh after. I was still shocked at the fact Signe hadn't told me about Amy. Her secret best friend.

"Probably. She's always been asking me to meet this really cool guy who happens to be my roommate. Which I'm now gonna assume that's you." Amy replied as we pulled up next to the salon. It was the same place I had been to earlier in the year to get my hair dyed green.
As we pulled up, Signe could be seen through the window standing in front of the till.

As Amy and I got out the car Amy started mouthing something to me then signaled to me to be quiet as we went in, I quickly got on to what she was planning, and we silently walked into the salon, Amy who was in front of me put her finger on her lips to tell the person at the till not to say or do anything and the lady just smirked and went back to dealing with Signe.
Amy then not yelled but it was close enough, Signe's name and I picked her up from behind and spun her around.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" She screamed as I put her down, both Amy and I were in a fit of laughter.
"AMY? SEAN!? WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!?" She said in both a surprised and scared voice with a hint of anger.

While I was leaning against the wall trying to catch my breath from laughing so much I turned to see Amy dying with laughter on the floor as Signe just looked at us both like we were 5.
After Amy and I finally stopped laughing we said goodbye and thanks to the woman at the till and got into Amy's car again. I was in the front with Amy while Signe sat in the back.

"So you two know each other or something? I was going to surprise you both..." Signe said as we began the 15-minute car ride back to my apartment.
"Oh no, we don't. Coincidentally we basically ended up sitting next to each other on the flight back and started talking." Amy said, looking back at Signe in the rear view mirror.

"Yeh...she uh found me uh crying and she comforted me..." I added on quietly.

"Oh...why were you crying?" There was a pause as Signe had realized "Ohh so I take it things didn't work out between you and him then?" She said in an almost happy tone.

"Jee no need to sound so happy Signe...And actually yeah we're kinda trying long distance right now. It's a long story so I'll tell you back at the apartment." I replied in a slight tone of anger. As I looked in the mirror as I spoke I saw Signe's face drop when I said Mark and I were trying long distance.
"And Signe why haven't you told me about Amy before?" I asked, still slightly angry at her.
"Well, we've been friends for a few years now, like before I lived with you before I even lived in Ireland. I was going to tell you today." She was twiddling a piece of chewing gum wrapper between her fingers.

We finally arrived at the apartment and Signe invited Amy in for a drink so the 3 of us all went in and had our own welcome home party.

"So Signe. When were you going to tell me you had a YouTube channel and that you fricken draw and sell your work to people?" I said to her as she brought over 3 bottles of Smirnoff ice. She looked at the ground awkwardly.
"I-I was going to tell you but I didn't know how you'd react...I've been doing it for almost a year now, it was Amy's idea." Amy nodded her head in slight agreement.
"Oh...well good for you. You're really good at drawing so it's the right decision."

I heard my phone buzz and freaked out thinking it was Mark so I quickly answered it.

"H-h-hello? Who's calling?" I asked nervously.

"Hej. Är detta Marzia?"  It wasn't Mark. I didn't know what to say, mostly cause I couldn't understand a word the guy on the phone was saying.

"Em, I'm sorry sir. You have the wrong number. Goodbye." Before I hung up I waited to see if they would reply.

"Marzia? Vem är detta?"  Whoever it was, they did not sound happy...I quickly hung up and sighed.

"Who was that?" Amy asked taking a gulp of Smirnoff ice from her bottle.
"I have no clue. Some guy who sounded Swedish or something...I don't know I couldn't understand them." I replied back sadly.

"Why hasn't he called me? Or even fucking texted me...God, of course, he doesn't care about me..." I was beginning to tear up when I felt Signe's arm wrap around me.

"Don't worry Sean there's plenty more fish in the sea. The best thing about being Bi is that you get even more choice of fish. Eh." Signe said trying to cheer me up. I looked at Amy who was looking at Signe with a look of confusion.

"Sig...You're meant to say 'oh he's probably busy or something.' Not say that..." Amy said. "Listen, Jack, he probably is busy right now. You leaving would've been hard for him. Oh and this might not be the best time to bring this up but have you massaged that Jordon guy yet?" Amy added on.

"Maybe...and no I haven't yet, I'll do it in a little bit," I replied as I downed nearly half the bottle of the alcoholic liquid.

Signe looked at me and Amy confusingly.
"Wait. Right, tell me what the hell has been happening cause I'm currently confused as hell. Who's Jordon?...wait did something happen between Mark and that Sparkly pants dude from YouTube????" Signe said getting excited about the gossip.
I shook my head and laughed slightly.

"Oh, Signe. It's a long story." I said and then began to tell her all about what happened over the past few days while I was in LA.


Well, it's been awhile...Sorry hahah, Got caught up with a lot of other stuff tbh.

Probably won't update for awhile so yeah.

Peace Out for nooooooowwwww.

Happily Ever After...Right? || Septiplier || Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ