P33 5HU

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Jack's PoV

"Oh thank god we're back on land!" I laughed to Amy as we all departed off the plane.

"Yeh I know. I fly a lot but 11 hours? Hell naw that's just 'kill me now kinda territory'." Amy said while laughing.
When we reached the main area in the airport we stopped outside a coffee shop and looked at each other.
"So uh you wanna get something to eat or drink? I'm starving and plus I'm not ready for a 2 hour bus journey to Athlone yet." I said to Amy with a smile.
"Yeh sure that sounds...Wait. What? You're going to Athlone? ME TO!" Amy screamed and grabbed my arm as she pulled me into the coffee shop.
"Woah calm down Amy." I said with a laugh as we grabbed a table at a booth in the coffee shop.
"Sorry I was just surprised. Normally when you meet people on a plane you never see them again. And hey if you want I can give you a lift? My friend let me borrow her car so it should hopefully be parked somewhere in the car park." Amy spoke very fast and only breathed as she stood up.

"Oh uh sure why not. If you can put up with me for much longer then...alright." I smiled at her.

"Great. By the way what you wanting to eat and drink?" She looked down at me with a smile.

"I'll just have coffee, black please and a chocolate chip cookie. The ones here are actually amazing. Here's €10. Just keep the change." I said handing her a €10 note.
She hesitated before taking the note. "Aw Jack no I can't do that. I'll give you the change back."

"Amy. Keep the change. Think of it as a present for listening to me rambling on the plane okay?" I quietly laughed and she went up and got our coffee.

1 hour later

"So Jack ya ready to shuffle?" Amy's voice broke the peaceful silence that had fallen.
"Yeh sure. If you still wanna take me then lets shimmy shammy." I laughed awkwardly as I spoke.
"Shimmy shammy? The hell did that come from?" Amy questioned as we started walking towards the exit.
"Oh I just started saying it in a play through of a game one day and well yeh. It just became a thing." I replied to the blonde haired women as the two of us then walked out of the airport and began the search for Amy's friend's car.
"Play through?" She questioned.
"Yeh. Uh that's kinda my job...I play games and shit on YouTube." She looked at me quite surprised.
"Damn. That's a cool job, I'd love if that was my job, getting paid to play Overwatch. Is it hard?" She laughed.
"Yeh it sorta is. I have an editor and he makes things a lot easier for me. What do you do?" I said as we continued to walk though the car park.
"Oh I'm a graphic designer. Nothing special but I enjoy doing it so Y'know. How many subs ya got? Sorry I'm curious" She said with a shrug of her shoulders with a laugh.
"Well...I just hit 14 million a little but ago." She stopped and looked at me in shock.
"14 MILLION!? HOLY FUCK JACK!...sorry. Just wow that's alotta people." She laughed and we started to walk again.
"Yeh. The channel hits a new million milestone almost every 2 months. I try to keep it a nice community for new people to come into...But enough about that. How are we meant to get in the car. Do you have keys?" I said as we walked round the car park.
"Oh right yeh. My friend gave me keys ages ago for it. It's technically my car for whenever I visit her in Ireland. Ah here it is." She said surprised as we came to a stop next to a large black Range Rover.

"Oh damn. Living the good life I see." I laughed as we got into the car.
"Yeh. Spent most of my savings on getting this bad boy and I hardly ever see him." She laughed as she started the car and began to reverse out of the car park.
"By the way, what's with the number plate? Does it have some special meaning or what?" I asked curiously referencing to the P33 5HU number plate on the car. I turned and saw Amy smiling to herself.
"It's an inside joke kinda between me and my friend. Basically, I go by 'Peebles' on Twitter and my friend has a YouTube channel where she does cool as fuck fanart of youtubers and different people and she goes by 'Wiishu' so we decided to make our friend-SHIP name 'Peeshu'. So hence the number plate." She replied as she turned on the air conditioning to cool us down because for once it was actually warm in today.

We sat in silence with only the radio playing Twenty One Pilots in the background as noise and we began the hour and a half journey to Athlone.

**Not the best chapter...sarry**

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