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***I'm currently sitting here, on my laptop writing this wondering to myself
"Should I continued writing this book?" ***

Jack's PoV

"Mark? Where are you? You promised you would meet me at the restaurant an hour ago." I called out to Mark as I entered his house.

It was silent for a second then a panicked voice broke the silence.
"Fuck. Jack I'm sorry I-I must of fell asleep!" I heard Mark calling from his bedroom. I began to walk towards the bedroom door.
"I was waiting in the pouring rain for you..." I said standing out side the bedroom door.
"Yes I know I'm sorry. Listen would you mind going to the bathroom quickly for me and grabbing the blue towel that should be on the chair? Please." Mark said in an panicked voice.

Something was up and he wasn't telling me.

"Yeh sure. Be back in a second." I said in a forced happy voice,  as I remained standing outside the door with my arms crossed.
I remained quiet and waited to see if I could hear anything coming from inside the room. I heard shuffling coming from inside and then I heard whispers.

"Quick go now. Be quiet and fast."

"Christ Mark I thought you said he wouldn't come here."

"Jordon now is not the time to be arguing he'll be back any minute now."

"Fucking Jesus where are my pants (trousers)!?"

"It doesn't matter I'll find them and give them to you next time I see you. Now GO."

What. The. Fuck... the 2 voice I could hear whispering were Mark's...and Jordon's...
I turned back from the door and ran outside. The minute my feet hit the grass outside Mark's house I collapsed to the ground and cried my eyes out.

How could he do this to me? On the night of our 2 year anniversary?

I heard the front door opening and looked up to see Mark standing there.

"Jack!? Shit what's wrong?" I heard him calling over to me then I heard running and next thing I know Mark was sitting on the grass next to me.
He tried to hug me but I pulled away.

"Don't. You. Fucking. DARE touch me." I said in an angry tone.

"Jack? What's wrong? What have I done wrong?" Mark paused as he crossed his arms. "Is this about the whole me being late thing? I said I'm sorry..." I looked over at him and stared him angrily in the eyes.
"Don't fucking act like you don't know why I'm crying Mark. Getting me to go to the bathroom so you can sneak your precious little secret out the window..." he just looked at me.
"J what are you on about?"

"Just fucking stop with the lies Mark. That's all you ever do is lie to me! I was standing RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR FUCKING BEDROOM DOOR. I'M NOT STUPID. I KNEW YOU WERE UP TO SOMETHING. I HEARD THE TWO OF YOU WHISPERING!" I yelled at him while tears fell down my face. I stood up and quickly began walking towards my car. I heard Mark running behind me.

"Jack...Shit I'm sorry...I umm was going to tell you..." he said grabbing my arm to turn me around to face him.
"Fuck off Mark. I'm done with your bullshit..." I said in an angry but upset voice.
"I still love you feelings for you haven't changed just..."
"Mark shut the actual fuck up. If you loved me you wouldn't of fucking slept with him...How long has this been going on for?" I said getting more angry than upset.
"Not long...umm well...Sean I'm sorry okay. I fucked up...just please give me a chance to explain."
I glared at him. God I just wanted to punch him in the face.

"Mark...HAVE YOU FUCKED HIM AT ALL DURING THE 2 YEARS WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER!? OR IS THIS THE FIRST TIME!?" I yelled trying to resist the urge to punch him.

He looked down at the ground then back at me.

"I'm sorry okay...there's nothing else I can say..." Mark stared me in the eyes. He knew I was ready to punch him so he took a step back.
"Mark. Oh my fucking god you have haven't you? You been fucking Jordon behind my back...Oh my god I think I'm going to be sick." I said putting my hand over my mouth and turned to face my car again.
"I-I'm sorry ok...I never meant for you to find out like this...but yes. I've been seeing Jordon behind your back...We meet up every week...Man it feels good to get that off my chest." I didn't know how to reply so I just turned and looked at him.

"Look Jack...Sean...I only went out with you because I felt bad...That day I visited you after you arrived I saw how upset you were about seeing Jordon at my place so I had to lie and say I liked you still because I didn't want to see you hurt...Look I don't want to be a dick but...I'm just sorry okay..."

"YOU FUCKING CUNT. THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I WOULD'VE BEEN LESS HURT IF YOU HAD TOLD ME THE TRUTH BACK THEN!" I burst into tears then punched Mark in the face. As he leaned forward grabbing his nose in pain I ran to my car and struggled to get my keys from my pocket as I panicked to get into the car before Mark stood up. Scared of what he'd do to me.
As I finally got into the car I slammed to door and started the ignition. As I drive off I turned to see Mark now sitting on the ground.

He appeared to be crying but I didn't care. He no longer mattered to me. And I clearly never mattered to him...

Happily Ever After...Right? || Septiplier || Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora