Chapter 1

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Erza Pov.

"Aaaaaarrrrgggg!!" I yelled in frustration. I walked over to my window and yelled "Keep the noise down will you I'm trying to study!!" No one listened. I stomped back to my desk and slumped down in my chair. "Maybe I could study in school tomorrow" I sighed and put all my books in my bag. "I wish the Dragneel's would be stricter" I said. The Dragneel's are the current owners of this estate. They don't really care about what we do so they let us do anything but commit crimes. People keep buying this estate so we constantl have to change the way we act to fit the owner. I looked out the window. There were some drunkards pestering two women many houses having midnight parties some people hanging out and having fun. But then I saw something that caught my eye, it was three cars and a moving van trying. "Guess we have a new owner" I said leaning my head against my hand. I stared at the car in the middle and I spotted a boy with blue hair but it was hard to see his face. I shrugged and walked to my bed. I layed down and tried to block out all the noise and fall asleep but it was impossible. "Erza, Simon's here!!" my mom yelled. I groaned  and got out of bed and sluggishly walked towards the door. "What do you want?" I scoffed. "Erza, I'm having a party come over" he smiled. "Why? So you could get me drunk and try to rape me like before" I spat. "Oh c'mon I said I was sorry" he smiled. "Just because your captain of the rugby team doesn't mean I'll be all over you like some other girls" I whisper shouted. "And your lucky I didn't tell my mom" Then I slammed the door in his face. "Is everything alright Erza?" my mom asked. "Yeah everything's fine" I smiled. I went to my room and fell on my bed. 'Forget what happened Erza, forget what happened' i thought, then fell asleep.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep.  Smash.

I smashed my alarm clock. I unwillingly got up and got ready for school. I ran down stairs to make my breakfast. "Goodmorning Erza, your breakfast is on the table" my mom yawned. "Your up already?" I asked. She nodded. "Thanks mom" I hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. I sat at the table and scarfed down all the food. I walked toward the door "Bye mom" I said. "Your leaving early?" she asked. "Yeah I couldn't study last night so I'm gonna study in school" I smiled then walked out the door. I took a deep breath. Then begun running. I do this every time I'm going to school. You could say it was like my weekly mission to:

1. To get there as early as possible
2. To get away from Simon.

I ran around the corner only to bump into someone. "Oh sorry" I apologised. I looked up to see a blue haired boy with a red tattoo. His hands were in his pockets and he was wearing the Fairy tail high boys school uniform. Then 4 men dressed in black blocked my view of him. They glared at me. "How dare you bump into the Fernandes' son" they growled. "Sorry" I apologised then tried to hurry passed them but one of them stopped me. "You must beg for forgiveness" the man said. "Chap, relax it isn't that deep" I stated. "Why you little brat" one of them tried to grab me from behind but I kicked him in the unmentionable and legged it. I ran into the entrance of the school. I stopped and looked back. "I lost them" I gasped for air. "Keep breathing like that and there will be no more oxygen left" Mira joked. "Mira, these mean men tried to hurt me" I exaggerated and hugged her. "There, there when I find them I'll kill them just for you" she laughed menacingly. Then she dragged me to my first class. We were really early so nobody was there sonwe just talked about some stuff. "Do you know that our estate has a new owner?" she asked I nodded. "I heard they are really strict and overprotective about their only son" she smiled, I giggled. Then the boy and the four men from before entered the room. "It's you!" they yelled. I hid behind Mira. "Those were the evil men" I pouted. "Excuse me, but only students are allowed in the school" Mira spoke. "Well were here to protect this boy" one if the men said. They boy looked a bit annoyed but just took out his phone and began texting. "Well I would like you to leave my friend Erza alone then" she ordered. And they reluctantly nodded in agreement. I sighed in relief and sat in my seat. After a few minutes of silence a crowd of students entered the classroom, some staring at the new boy. The teacher also walked inside and it was Mr. Clive he didn't give a care in the world about anything. "So I'm gonna change your seat's around then we'll have a moment to get to know eachother." he said. "So..... Juvia beside Lyon" Gray obviously argued with him and in the end Gray had to sit with Lyon and Juvia with Meredy. "Ok now.... Mira and Erz- nah Mira and Laxus" I dramatically said goodbye to eachother. "Erza and Jellal" he said. "Who's Jellal!" I asked. He pointed at the boy surrounded by the guards. "You can't do that" one of the guards fought. "I can and I just did" Mr Clive retorted and I moved to the swat really slowly. Once I sat down I felt the glares from the guards. "Good luck Erza" Mira smiled who was sitting in front of me.  "Hi my name is Erza Scarlet, I'm 17 and live with my mom" I said. He continued texting. "This is Jellal Fernandes" one of the guards said. "He owns you and everyone in this room" another said. "He's the estate owners son" another said. "Do show some respect" the last one said. I felt like they were all ganging up on me. "Get out of my face I don't need a close up of your ugly mug" I replied. They gasped. after about 6 more classes and somehow I was put beside Jellal in every class. But now I'm in Art and he's somewhere else. "Ok class I'm letting you off early have a nice day" After Mrs Celestial said that I ran out of the class and to the gates. "Yeeeesss, I'm free!" I yelled. "Maybe I should go to the park first" I smiled. "This isn't a jail you know" I turned to see Lucy. She was a bit sad since Natsu left. "Oh cheer up Luce" I smiled. "How could I when the love of my life is gone" she over exaggerated. "The love of your life Ehh" someone said. "Erza stop mimicking Natsu's voice it ain't helping" Lucy cried. The person laughed then put an arm around Lucy. "I missed you Luce" he smiled. Lucy looked up and jumped on Natsu kissing him over an over again. "Wha how?" I ruined there moment by hugging Natsu too. "I missed you way more than she did" I declared. "Why did you miss me?" he asked. "Because now if Simon comes anywhere near me you could pummel him and he's way too scared of you than anyone else in the school" I stated with an evil grin. "Now come to the park with me" I commanded. "Erza don't be selfish" Lucy whined. "Fine but I get him tomorrow" I pouted and Lucy nodded. I walked to the park with a large sigh. I looked for my favourite tree and made my way there. Once I git there I saw Jellal laying there with his eyes closed. "Wait where are his bodyguards?" I asked myself. Then attempted to wake him up. "Jellal wake up, your in my tree space" I shook him but he was sound asleep. Then something or someone blocked the sun from my sight. I looked up to see the last person I'd wanna see.

I'm a huuuuuge Jerza fan and this is my jerza story. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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