Chapter 6

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Erza's Pov
"Leave me alone!" I yelled walking through the hallway to the detention room. "C'mon Erza can't I just talk to you for 2 seconds" Simon said. "Your so irritating" I commented. "And where did Jellal go" I said looking around for Jellal. "He wandered off a while ago"  Simon said. "Ugh, now I have to go find him" I groaned and began walking back. "Wait!" Simon yelled and grabbed my wrist. "I still need to talk to you" he said. "Let me go" I tried to pull away but he was too strong. He backed me me up to the lockers still not letting go of my wrist. "Why are you obsessed over blueberry?" he asked. "What I'm not obsessed over Jellal. Now let me go!" I said trying to walk away but was blocked. "Yes you are your always looking for him or need to be around him" he sneered. "Why are you even speaking to me it's not like we're friends" I said harshly. "No it's just that i-" I cut him off before he could finish. "What because you love me?" I scoffed. "You don't love me, you just want me because your father forced you into 'loving' me" I yelled. "No Erza I do love you" he retorted. "Sure you do" I hissed. "Now if you excuse me I'm gonna go find Jellal"  I sneezed forcefully pushing past him and stomping down the hallway. I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face. I tried to wipe them away but they kept coming. 'why am I even crying?' i thought to myself. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into someone. "Sorry" I mumbled. "What's wrong with you?" the person asked and I could recognise that voice from a mile away. "Nothing" I answered. He sighed and stroked his salmon pink hair. "Erza your crying and you know how much I hate seeing my friend cry so tell Mr what's wrong" he said. "It's just..." I paused. "It's about Simon isn't it" he said. I just nodded then he walked in the direction of the detention room. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Detention" he answered.  "Why?" I asked. "To go beat up Simon for making you cry and because I was given a three day detention for gluing Guildarts hand to his face during his daily nap" he snickered a bit at the last part. I wacked him over the head. "Don't go causing trouble in detention it'll just make the situation even worst" I lectured. "But.." I cut him off. "Please Natsu" I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Fine" he said and like that we went to detention only to be met with more trouble.

I know I said I'd update yesterday and I didn't and I'm sorry.  It was my sisters fault and her obsession with Free the anime so I how you enjoyed this chapter.

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