Chapter 4

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Erza's Pov.
"I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to get detention it just happened!" I cried. "What are you talking about?" she asked. "Oh, nothing what we're you talking about?" I asked trying to change the subject. "I was gonna ask you what grade you got in your science test" she said. "But now I.wanna hear more about the detention" she said. I explained everything to her but left our the part of me helping Jellal study and kissing him on the cheek I also told her I got 96% on my test. Incase you're curious Jellal got 97%. My mom massaged her temples as she thought. "When does your detention start?" she asked. "Tomorrow" I answered eager to get this over with. "I have to work late tomorrow so I can't pick you up so you'll have to walk home..... Bur I can pick you up the next 3 days" she smiled. I nodded. "Now go to your room your grounded" she declared, "But_" She cut me off. "No buts bed" she demanded. I unwillingly got up and stomped halfway up the stairs. "Could you at least tell me how long??!!" I yelled. "Until your 18th birthday" she yelled back. "That's in 6 months I whined." Don't care bed now" she ordered and I marched into my bed room and began a fit if sighs. I sat at my desk and stared at a picture of my dad carrying me around his shoulders when I was seven. I smiled and picked up the picture "I miss you" I whispered.  I sighed put the photo down and started doing my homework.

Seigrain's Pov
"Why are you so angry it was only a kiss in the cheek?" I asked. "Well now that girl us gonna be bugging me with questions" Jellal said in his same monotoned voice bur you could tell that he was angry from his eyes. "It's no big deal" I said laying on my bed. "I'll just deal with this tomorrow" he said coldly then left. "Geez, what crawled up his ass and died?" I asked myself. 'I should have asked that red head for her number she's really cute' i thought. Then someone opened the door I looked up to see my dad. "Seigrain I have an offer for you?" he grinned.

Erza's Pov Morning
I woke up from my deep slumber to see I was 1 miniute earlier than my alarm. I groaned in frustration and just got up. While I was walking ro the bathroom my alarm clock rang so I threw a slipper at it. I continued doing my morning routine and went down stairs. "Morning mom!" I yawned as I sat down. "Morning honey" my mom said tired. "Sorry I can't make breakfast so will tea be ok?" she asked. I nodded. She gave me a cup of tea. I picked it up and as soon as I took a shower it burnt my tongue. "Ouch" I whispered. "I'm sorry is it too hot" my mom asked concerned. "No it's just fine" I smiled. She sighed in relief. After 5 minutes of talking my mom left first. I thought that today I would got to school on time not too early ir too late. I left 20 miniutes after my mom and made sure to lock the doors. "Day one of detention yay!" I cheered sarcastically. I walked to school with no disturbances, fortunately. Since school wouldn't start for another 30 miniutes I thought it would be fun to take a walk around the school. It was peaceful and quite. Until I heard someone yelling, so as the curious person I was I went to go see what the commotion was about. I walked towards where the noise was coming from. It was Simon backing an irritated looking Jellal towards a wall. 'should I help him. Nah he's just an acquaintance' i thought.

'but he helped me once so I should return the favour' i thought. I was about to walk towards them when I stopped. 'Acctually I helped him study, well at least I think it was him' i thought.

"Oooohhhhhh, why did my mom have to raise me so well" I mumbled as I walked towards them. At that point Simon was about to punch Jellal, but I pushed him away. "Leave Jellal alone!" I yelled. "What are you doing here Scarlet?" he asked his voice was so cold it sent shivers down my spine, it was way different from the cheerful person I met yesterday. "W-w-w-we-ll errm.." I was a stuttering mess and I couldn't even face. "Well, well Imif it isn't my future wife" Simon smirked. I almost puked at the thought of being his wife. "Move out if the way so I can squish this blueberry for what he did" he glared at Jellal. "What did he do?" I asked. "He punched me and kissed you" he growled. "He never kissed me!" I yelled. "Then what did I see him doing ro you yesterday?" he asked. "I kissed him on the cheek" I admitted. "Why are we even having this conversation?" Jellal scoffed. "Your right let me just pulled you right now" Simon smirked and pushed me out of the way. Jellal dodged him. He threw another punch, but Jellal dodged. Jellal just stayed on defence and never attacked. But he was spouting out insults here and there to anger Simon. 'what is he planning?" I thought. "Hey you three what are you doing out here school has already begun!" I heard a teacher yelled. "Not again." I groaned. "Principles office Now!" we all nodded and made our way to the principals office. I was walking in the middle and it was quite uncomfortable. "Let's just leave" Simon said. "No my mother raised me to be a truthful and honest person" I stated. Simon completely ignored me and tried to grab me. But Jellal quickly pulled me away from him and held me in hus arms protectively. I swear I saw him glare at Simon. I could feel my face heat up within seconds and I could hear Simon growl. When we got to the principals office we knocked on the door.

<~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~>

"Yes! I get to be in detention with Erza" Simon cheered, I groaned. Jellal just stood there silently. "See you at math Erza" Simon smiled blowing me a cringe worthy kiss. "We're not in the same math class" I muttered. I turned to see Jellal walking the opposite direction of the class we have. "Where do you think your going?" I yelled at him. There was no answer instead he took out his phone and started texting. I ran up to him grabbed his arm. "You are going to English whether you like it or not" I glared. "I don't have to listen to you" he spat. "Oh really" I muttered then swiftly grabbed his phone out of his hand and ran. He chased after me and he looked really annoyed and angry. "Hey give it back!" he yelled. "Gotta catch me first" I yelled back. He was faster than I thought and was catching up to me easily. He gave me a little shove which caused me to fall but grabbing him in the process. His eyes were glaring into mine. He roughly grabbed the phone out of my hand. He got up and I did the same. "Now you have no choice but to go to English" I smiled opening the classroom door and pushing him in. "Your so irritating" he mumbled. I just smiled and apologised for being late then took my seat.

Hooe you enjoyed this chapter and had a lovely Christmas holidays.

Mr.Silent (Jerza)Where stories live. Discover now