Chapter 7

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Jellal's Pov

I yawned as I sat underneath a tree behind the school. "I guess I'll take a nap" I whispered to myself slowly closing my eyes. "Mr Fernandes, aren't you supposed to be detention with the others" I heard a voice say. I opened one eye to see the principal glaring down at me. "I'm not going..." I mumbled shutting my eye again. "Oh so your not going" he said. "Thats ok just relax and continue your nap" he said kindly, too kindly. My eye widened as I felt someone pull my ear. "Let go" I said. He ignored me a dragged me back into the school.

"Crippled old man" I mumbled. He pinched my ear even harder. "Aahh" I yelped. "You should go find a retirement home" I whispered hoping he didn't hear me, but he did. He stopped walking and glared at me. "For a boy that never speaks, you have a lot to say" he growled. He pushed me into the detention room and slammed the door. I looked around to see Erza and a pinkette talking, Simon sitting with one of his minions at the window and a blue haired girl resting her head on a raven haired boys shoulder. "Jellal sit here!!" Erza yelled catching the small group of delinquents attention. They all stared up at me. "Yo what's the new kid doing here?" The pinkette asked. "Isn't it clear dumbass, he's got detention" the raven haired boy stated whilst leaning back on his chair and putting a book over his face.

"You think your smart ice princess" the pinkette spat. "I'm not gonna fight you Natsu" raven said. "Why not, you scared Gray?" Natsu asked snickering. "No because Juvia is asleep and I'll kill whoever wakes her up" he glared. Before Natsu could open his mouth Erza stopped him. "Please don't start a fight here Natsu" she sighed. Natsu sat down in defeat and took out his phone. I walked over to the seat in front of Erza and Natsu and sat down. "Hey Jellal do you have snapchat?" He asked. I nodded. He handed me his phone to type in my username.

I typed in my username and added myself. "You never told me you had social media" Erza pouted. "You never asked" I replied. She rolled her eyes and gestured for me to give her my phone. I handed it to her.

Erza's Pov

Natsu and Jellal started talking and they seemed to be getting along. I've never seen him this chatty before, Well you know what they say Natsu brings out the best in people.

"Erza what do you think?" Natsu asked. "Think about what?" I asked. "Who's better looking?!!" He yelled slinging his arm around Jellals shoulders. "Ermm.." everyone was staring at me, except Juvia who was still asleep.

"Jellal" we all turned to the person who said that. "Simon you think Jellals hot" Sho, Simons friend asked shocked. "No that's who Erza thinks is hot!!" He yelled. "What makes you say that?" Jellal and I said in unison. "Oh just the fact that she follows you around everywhere" Simon scoffed.

"Or maybe your just imagining things and JEALOUS!!" Natsu yelled. I am surprised Juvia was still asleep. "I don't get jealous" Simon growled. "I wouldn't blame her for hanging out with Jellal" Gray said.

"What did you say?" Simon said walking over to Gray but I stood in between them. "Guys calm down so what if I think Jellal is hot" I covered my mouth once I realized what I said. "Ohhhhh. Jellal's blushing!!" Natsu cooed. "No I'm not idiot!!" Jellal yelled putting Natsu into a headlock as the boy laughed.

Gray and Simon just continued glaring at each other. "What's going on??" Juvia yawned. "Juvia could you please get Gray to calm down" I begged. "Gray-sama calm down" She said. "I am calm" he growled still glaring at Simon. "I tried" she shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly the door slammed open. "You can go home now" the principal said. Everyone started packing up "Except you two you still have an extra 2 hours" he said pointing towards me and Jellal.

"Awww!" We groaned. They all rushed out of the room leaving the two of us. "So... Do you really think I'm hot?" He asked. My face flushed red. "Yeah" I whispered looking away.

I heard the sound a chair being dragged and then a thump. I looked to see that he was only an inch away from me. "Well I think your cute, sometimes" he said I could see a tint of pink in his cheeks.

And I could tell he's not use to complementing people either. So I decided to tease him. "Are you blushing?" I cooed.

"I'm not!"

"Yeah you are!"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

I stopped once I realized how close we were. I guessing he realized too because he backed away. "Sorry" he apologized.

"It's fine. Your much more fun when you talk" I giggled and he smiled. "Thanks I think".

For the rest of the detention we just spent time talking about ourselves but it was more me talking and him listening.

"So what about your family have you got any siblings?" I asked. "Ermm... I have a brother" he started. I waited for him to finish. "We're twins" he said.

"You have a twin brother how come he doesn't come to our school??" I asked. "He's homeschooled" he answered. "Wait!! One of the days you were acting super different was it because yo-" I was cut off by the door slamming open.

"You can leave now!!" The principle announced. We packed up our things and left. "Are you getting a lift?"Jellal asked. "No" I answered. "I'll walk you home".

"That reminds me how did yo-" he cut me off. "Why is Simon so obsessed with you??" He asked. Which caught me off guard. "It's a long story" I said.

"We have time" he smiled.


I know it's been like a year since I last updated and I'm sorry for the long wait you should be expecting more chapters. Love you all.

Mr.Silent (Jerza)Where stories live. Discover now