"is phan real?"

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Dan and Phil fitted in to panisnotonfire particularly well, I guess they shared a lot of the same interests with the girls, especially Jodie.

Sometimes it was such a normal conversation, the girls would forget they were talking to their idols, Dan and Phil would spon their videos every now and then but other than that it was a completely normal friendship.

Their conversations were pretty casual, one day Tayla asked "is phan real?" and she never thought she'd get a response, but immediately, dan replied "ye lol but dont tell anyone ;)))))"

Sooner or later, they built up the courage to ask for their skype usernames (and they promised not to be creepy, after all, they were "friends" now, right?)

So Cait added them to the skype group "panisnotonfire" and almost immediately, Dan called the group, eager to see the pannies.

Abi was the first to answer, to her surprise, when skype loaded there was only one user in the call - danisnotonfire. He sat there with phil, both saying hi to her as she sat in utter shock for five minutes - until TJ and Elise joined the call. Dan, Phil, Abi, TJ and Elise talked for a while with people joining the call every now and then.

It was the most fun they'd ever had

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