smut written by not tia

44 2 1

Elise got bored. Sahalie got bore3d 2, elis3 s4y, u w4nt sum fuk?1?1??2?2?. Sahalie resp0n w1th "♡~♡ 0w0, yas, senpai chan!! Eliaez say, "b4bby are u r34dy?1?2?.but salahie alr3dy CuM?1?!. BABBY IM LIZGHtUng mCqeUn! 4nd th3n elisz see you em!. Abey worlked past, alize chan? Are uu ok??
But all she heer is gurlfing. And then eluz3 whi p u $$yed throufh the b4throom stal1 that they had resided in. OMG MUUMU DODIE AND DANIANAL JSUT TWETED ME OML finna bus a nut .

You wanted quality?

Well i just prosucced the finnest qualititty (haheh titti)


I lov333 you all


Yours sincerely a rat

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