flying to london

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tamarahowellxo wanted another chapter so here we go

2017 came quicker than the girls expected, and soon enough, they were booking their flights to London, from Sydney, to attend vidcon.

All the Australian girls from panisnotonfire had arranged to meet at the Sydney Opera House, it wasnt ideal, but it was a lovely place to meet. The Americans, on the other hand, met up at LAX, to then take a flight to London.

It worked out- eventually

All the Aussies went on the same plane, all in first class. They sat sipping their teas as the plane lifted swifly off the ground, starting its 22 hour flight.

And the bants began. Tegan was screeching, she couldnt wait to meet Dan and Phil, neither could the rest of them.

Abi and Angel sat side by side- as did Sophie and Elise (who were smooching 99% of the flight, disgusting)

TJ, Pauline, Sahalie and Georgia sat in the same row, all listening to MCR through those fancy headphone things they give you in first class

Tayla sat in between Tegan and Caity, Renee sat next to them.

Amy and Tilda sat side by side, watching a movie and cuddling together, while Jodie third wheeled and watched the movie from a distance

Sigrid, Tamara, Emily and Lilli all sat in one row, behind Amy, Tilda and Jodie (and a stranger), each eating handfuls of popcorn that staff had given them.

Things were different in LAX. Jasmin and Rae met up, and hopped on their (only 10 hour) flight. They sat next to each other in first class and instantly started talking, the next 10 hours were going to be great, for all of them.

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