Ch. 4

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"But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then."

With the escapee taking up much of his time and other situations happening within the community, the second meet up between Violet and Negan didn't look like a reality. It was going on midnight and life within the community had come to a complete hault. At 10:00 everyone was ordered to their rooms. Many people went right to bed while others stayed up late, contemplating the dark realities of the apocalypse. Violet was one of these people.

Violet laid in the small twin bed, her eyes staring up at the dark ceiling. She had been in this position for hours, thinking about the community and the man that ran it. Negan was interesting as Katie had said, but he was more than interesting. He was deep, dark and twisted. He was conniving, calculating and intimidating. He could rip her clothes off in the same second that he ripped her head off. There was no guessing in what he might do next.

As Violet thought about his leather jacket and peppered hair, she felt a pressure growing on her bladder. Crap. She really didn't feel like moving from her comfortable space on her twin bed. The sheets were flannel and warm and the comforter was plush. She never wanted to move from her bed again.

She internally groaned as she flicked the sheets off of her, swinging her feet to the cold concrete floor. She flinched with the cold as she quickly presses her feet to the ground. She adjusts her shirt as she slowly and quietly opens her door, looking down the black hallway. Nothing is to be seen. She passes through her door frame and she moves in the direction of the women's bathroom. The pressure on her bladder grows with each step that she takes.

Finally she comes to the bathroom door, swinging it open quickly. She flicks the lights of the bathroom on, her eyes flinching with the sudden brightness. She pulls the first stall door open, locking the door behind her. After a few seconds, the main bathroom door swings open - the lights flicking off shortly afterwards.

"Um," Violet mutters as she sits in the darkness, "excuse me. There's someone in here." Nothing. Violet slowly gets up, adjusting herself as she pushes her stall door open. She slowly moves through the center of the bathroom, her hands outstretched in front of her. She finds nothing in the blackness.

She bumps into one of the sinks, the hard porcelain colliding with her hip bone. "Shit," she mutters as she clutches onto the area that she just hurt. She places her palm against the edge of the sink as she rubs her sore hip bone. While she stands there, rubbing her injury, she hears something move in the darkness.

Slowly, she turns around, only facing blackness. She can't see anything or anyone. She can't even see an inch in front of herself. "Hello?" She mutters again, goosebumps forming on her skin as fear rattles her chest.

Quickly, a sharp pain flashes across her left cheek. The pain is hidden behind so much force that her head is whipped to the side, her body falling backwards against the porcelain sink. The porcelain crashes against her lower back this time as fear suddenly leaves her. The fear is replaced with the urge to fight whoever or whatever is attacking her through the dark. Violet quickly shifts her balance as she stands tall again.

Hands grip her neck with such force that she immediately begins to cough and fight for breath. She can tell it's a man fighting her in the dark because of the strength and force that's built up against her. If it was a walker, her throat would have been ripped open already. Besides, there was no way that Negan would allow any walkers into his community.

As the man holds onto her throat with one hand, he moves his fingertips of the other hand to the rim of her new, second-hand pajama pants. He pushes the rim of her pants down as she feels a sloppy, wet mouth suddenly sucking on her neck. She tries to scream. She tries to cry, but nothing comes out.

"Please," she tries to cry, but nothing. The man keeps his hand around her throat as he pushes her head against the glass mirror behind her. There's a slight cracking sounds as a piece of the mirror falls behind Violet. She feels the piece of the glass poking her thigh as she's pushed further into the sink.

Within a matter of seconds, her pajama pants are around her ankles as the man begins to dig into her skin with his nails. Silent tears stream down Violet's face as she feels her face growing cold. She fights for air. Fights for breaths, which are few and far between.

The darkness grows darker as she feels the pulse slowing in her veins. A gnawing pain grows in her chest as she feels her heartbeat in her head. She hears a door creak open and suddenly the pressure around her neck is gone as she collapses onto the cold tile floor beneath her. She breathes in a deep breath as she inches towards the wall behind her, the wall allowing her to rest a bit.

Slowly she opens her eyes again as she stares into the darkness, shadows moving in the dark. She hears a slight cry before a loud crack. Then there's another crack and another crack. There are six cracks in total that Violet silently counts. She knows exactly who it is. She doesn't need to see his face or hear his voice, she knows his presence.

As she breathes in quietly and slowly she feels someone kneel next to her as she fights to stay awake. Her eyes feel heavy and grainy, almost like there's sand in her eyes. She feels warm hands wrap around her body as she's pulled to a chest. She slides her palm up the chest as she continues fighting to stay awake. She feels an uncomfortable pinching sensation in her thigh, imagining that it's the piece of glass that came off from the mirror lodged in her leg. Her lower back begins growing sore as well as the back of her head and cheek.

The lights to the bathroom flick on as Dwight and a few other men stand in the doorway. Violet turns her eyes away from the light as she clutches them shut. Quickly, she opens them again, blinking rapidly in an an attempt to get the feeling of sand in her eyes out. As she blinks, she sees a body lying in the center of the bathroom, blood sprayed across the white tile floor and wall. It's Alex. The man who was watching her in the common area only that morning.

"Shit," Negan says as he glides his hand up her neck, turning her face towards his, "he did a number on you. Dwight, wake the doc up!" Dwight nods his head as he quickly rushes from the bathroom, down the dark hallway. Violet keeps quiet as slow, steady tears rush down her burning cheeks. "Vi," Negan says as he slowly lifts her up from the floor, pulling her closer into him, "there's no reason to cry. I just bashed that fuckers head in for you. You'll be alright...."

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