Ch. 5

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"Because all the monsters have been let out of their cages tonight, no matter what court they belong to. So I may roam wherever I wish until the dawn."

Dr. Carson places a piece of gauze soaked in alcohol against the small gash in Violet's thigh as she winces in pain, clutching onto the sides of the table that she lays against. She breathes in carefully as he continues to clean the wound, making sure that all of the glass is out. Violet runs her hand across her forehead as she covers her face. She feels warm tears filling her eyes. She can't believe what happened last night. She thought that this would be her safe place. How could she be so stupid?

She let her guard down. She grew comfortable quick. Heavy footsteps are outside of the small room as a familiar voice spills into the room. "How's my girl doing?" Negan asks as he walks through the door frame, swinging Lucille in a circle. "Good," Dr. Carson says as he keeps his eyes on Violet's small wound, "I've cleaned her up. She should be okay, probably just sore." She was more than sore. She was traumatized and embarrassed.

"Well darlin'," Negan says as he leans against the colored brick wall behind him, "how are you doing? You haven't done anymore fuckin' crying right?" Violet presses her lips together as she slides up onto her elbows, glancing over to Negan. "No," she lies, "no more crying." Negan smiles wide as he nods his head slightly. "Good," he smiles, "you're too pretty for that shit."

Violet nods slightly as she turns her attention back to Dr. Carson who places a small piece of gauze over her wound, taping it with a single piece of surgical tape. "It's too bad it was Alex that did this shit," Negan says as he points in the direction of her wound, "but we can't have that kind of shit here. I don't care if it's one of my guys or not. No means no and if you don't ask, then you don't get to fuck."

Violet is quiet as she fumbles with her hands. "So Vi," Negan states harshly as he pushes himself off from the wall. Violet slowly glances towards him, unsure of what he might want her to say. "What?" She says coldly with a brief shrug. "Where did you go after the age of 16?" He asks as he taps Lucille against the wall behind him.

Violet can't help but furrow her eyebrows. What the hell was he trying to get at?  "What?" Violet asks confused. Negan smiles slyly again as he presses his lips together. "Yesterday," he smiles, "you said you bounced from foster home to foster home until the age of 16, so I'm asking where the fuck you went afterwards?" Breathing in carefully, she eyes him up and down.

"You were actually listening to what I said yesterday?" She asks, her eyebrows still furrowed. Negan moves to the other side of the room, sliding Lucille across Dr. Carson's desk. "Doc," Negan says as he takes a seat on the wheeled stool beside the desk, "get the fuck out." Dr. Carson slowly glides another piece of tape onto Violet's thigh before listening to Negan, shutting the door behind him.

Violet is quiet as she watches Negan. He sits on the wheeled stool, getting up quickly as he kicks the stool away from him. He leans into the table that Violet sits on as he leans into her face, his hands on either side of her. "Sweetheart," he begins, "I listen to every fucking word you say. You should show me the same respect." Violet nods slightly before answering, "I do."

Negan's stone face turns soft as a smile spreads across his lips again. "Good," he smiles, "now answer the fucking question." Violet is quiet as she tries to form words in her head. She tries to remember the beginning, what it was like. How it felt. It had been the first time that she had ever felt safe in her 16 years of life.

"Their names were Connie and Brandon Brighton," she begins, her voice soft, "they took me in. They were my last foster family. The only ones that mattered anyway." She slides her loose hair behind her ears as she glances up at him, his eyes straight on hers. Her heart nervously thrashed in her chest as she clutched onto the edge of the table again.

"And?" Negan asks through a smile, tossing his shoulders back. "Come fuckin' on, Vi," he says as he leans further into the table towards her, "I know there's more than that. There has to be some reason beside the walkers that you're so emotionally cold like me." Violet tosses her head to the side, a slight laugh escaping her. He just compared her to him.

"What?" Negan asks through furrowed brows, "Was that fuckin' funny to you?" He throws his body back, slowly taking a step away from her as he glares down at her. Violet stares at the colored bricks to her right, not wanting to face him again. She does anyway. She's afraid of what would happen if she didn't.

"I'm nothing like you," she spits out, shaking her head with disgust. A booming laugh fills the room as Negan's shoulders shake with his laugh. "Oooh shit," he laughs as he glides his hands through his hair, "baby girl, you are just like me. Okay, you don't bash people's heads in, that's cool! But you see....that's not why you and I are alike."

"No, no, no," Negan laughs as he paces around the room, pushing his hands into the rim of his jeans as he adjusts them, "you were fucked before this whole shitty world began to crumble, you even admitted that yesterday. Shit, I was the same way. The apocalypse isn't what caused me to be fucked in the head, maybe I was born like this. Shit, maybe I should ask our doc, I'm not a fucking doctor, I don't do all that emotional shit."

Violet watches him as he carefully paces around the room, stopping in the center of it. He tilts his head to the side as he watches Violet watch him, refusing to move a muscle. Refusing to blink. "Sweetheart," Negan says as he slowly approaches her, drifting his finger down the side of her face, "did I upset you?" Violet fights back warm tears as her eyes burn.

"Oh shit," Negan smiles as he leans in front of her, "not the fuckin' tears again. Vi, I'm sorry I'm so fucked up, I can't help it. Like I told you, I don't do all that emotional shit. I shut that shit down a long fuckin' time ago." Violet is quiet as a single tear streams down her left cheek. Quickly, Negan pushes it away before stepping away from her.

"Fuck," Negan says as he shakes his head with a smile, "I got shit to do. I'll have the doctor finish patching you up. I'll give you the day off from your assigned shit but you'll be back to work tomorrow. Do you fuckin' got it?" Violet doesn't say anything, she just nods. Negan smiles one last time before swinging the door open. "See Vi?" He says with a smile, walking out the door frame, "I'm a stand up fuckin' guy, you'll see that soon enough...."

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