Ch. 15

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"When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it."

Violet runs her index finger through the inside of her bottom lip, the warm, salty pasta sauce resting against the bottom of her tongue. "Mmm," she smiles to herself as she continues to stir the blood red sauce in a hot pan. She feels large hands rest upon her hips as a mild breath rests on her neck. She closes her eyes and smiles as she smells his musky cologne behind her.

"Hi," she whispers through a brief laugh. "I love a woman that can make me a fine ass meal," Negan says in her ear as he tightens his grip on her hips. "Yeah?" She asks as she opens her eyes, turning to face him. She pushes him away slightly with the tip of her finger as she looks him up and down. "I like a man that knows how to show his appreciation for a fine ass meal," she whispers secretly.

A wide smile spreads across his face as his eyes darken. "Oh Vi," he whispers, "I can most definitely show my appreciation to you tonight. Besides, it's Rick's bed, surely Rick wouldn't mind." Violet smiles carefully before turning her attention back to the boiling spaghetti sauce. "Who is Rick anyway?" Violet asks as she stirs, "I've heard you talk about him a lot."

"Oh, Rick," Negan laughs as he leans on one of the cabinets beside her, "Rick is just some heroic type who does a lot of stupid fuckin' shit that could get him and his people killed." Violet breathes in carefully, almost wincing at his words. She slowly turns to look at Rick's two kids that sit at the dinner table only twenty feet away.

"You killed some of his people?" Violet asks as she looks at the kids, "Glenn and Abraham?" She returns her eyes back to Negan whose smile twists into a frown quickly. "How the fuck do you know that?" He asks, his voice grim. "I heard a few of your guys talking about it," she shrugs as she turns back to the meal that she's cooking.

"That's fuckin' weird," Negan says in a low tone, "we didn't know their names." Violet's heart quickens in her chest as she tries to think of a way out of the conversation. "Fine," she mutters before looking at him, "I was walking down the hallway awhile back ago and that guy that you're keeping prisoner from here got my attention. He's the one that told me."

Negan's eyes stay on her carefully before turning his eyes to the kids (and Olivia) that watch the two of them from the dining room. He slowly approaches Violet, gliding his finger underneath her chin. "Thanks for telling me the truth, Vi," he whispers, "I didn't know their names. Glenn and Abraham, huh?" He moves his eyes from Violet to Rick's son, Carl.

"Sorry about that kid," Negan says as he begins to approach the dining room, "I didn't want to kill your friends, I had to. Your dad, he had to know that I meant business. You get that right? You're a smart kid." Carl doesn't say a word. His chest rises and falls while he seeps anger from his nostrils, his eyes shooting daggers at the man that stands in front of the dining room table.

"Shit," Negan mutters through a smile, "well then, Vi, when will dinner be done? All this hard work has worked me up an appetite." Violet stands on her tiptoes to reach the plates above her head as she responds, "In a few minutes." Negan takes a seat at the edge of the table, across from where Carl sits and right next to Judith's high chair.

"Why hello there again," Negan coos at Judith as her bright eyes watch him. A childish smile appears as she shyly turns away from him. Negan runs his fingers through her curls as he smiles over at Carl. "Cute kid," he smiles. Carl doesn't say anything.

"Damn," Negan grins, "you people don't talk much do you?" Again, no response. Negan gives up on Carl before turning to Olivia who sits quietly to Negan's right. "Olivia," Negan says, his voice as smooth as ice, "how have you been?" Olivia is hesitant to speak for a few seconds. "Uh, erm-" she stutters, "I've been good I guess."

"You guess?" Negan questions as he leans back in his chair, "What's wrong? Rick not treatin' you right?" Olivia's hands tremble with nervousness as she pushes up her glasses with the tip of her finger. "No, er-" she begins, "I mean, yes, he does. It's just, uh, it's just been kind of stressful with everything going on."

Negan nods his head along with her response as he keeps a close eye on her. "Huh," he continues to nod, "I get it Olivia, I get it. No reason to be stressed. I'm sure everything will work out perfectly. Unless Rick does some stupid shit to get you all killed..." Before he can say anymore, Violet sets a plate of spaghetti in front of him.

"Why thank you Vi," Negan smiles as he looks up at her. "You're welcome," Violet smiles as she puts a plate in front of the other three before sitting in her own seat beside Negan. "Thank you," Olivia mutters towards her with a slight smile. "You're welcome," Violet nods at Olivia.

"Carl," Negan says before digging into his dinner, "you didn't say thank you. I think that's pretty fuckin' rude if you ask me..." Violet takes in a deep breath as she glances over at Negan. "It's okay," she says to him, an attempt to talk him down. "No, Vi," Negan spits as he keeps his eyes on Carl, "it's not okay. Carl, say thank you to my girl for this dinner that she made you."

Violet takes in another deep breath before looking over at Carl who glances back at her. He's quiet for a few seconds. "Thank you," he mutters quietly. Negan laughs slightly before picking up his fork. "There we go," he smiles, "there are those manners that I know your daddy taught you."

After dinner, Olivia offers to do the dishes while Violet lifts Judith into her arms to get her ready for bed. Violet runs lukewarm water in the bath, throwing in a few baby toys to keep Judith occupied. Once the water has settled Violet lifts the little girl into the tub to wash her up. She runs a washcloth up Judith's little back while Judith lifts a rubber duck into the air above her.

"Mama," Judith smiles at Violet while Violet gently strokes the little girl's back. "No sweet girl," Violet smiles, "I'm not your mama. I don't know where your mama is..." Judith says nothing before returning to play with her bath toys. After a few minutes in the tub, Violet gets her out to dry her and get her in fresh pajamas.

She sits with the little girl in her nursery, holding onto her tightly while she recites a story that she had heard her adoptive mom read to her little sisters when they were Judith's age. She can't help but fight back tears when she recites certain parts of the story, imagining her mom's voice and excitement as she told the story every night. She was as enthusiastic as the first time, even if she had told the story every night for months.

The little girl falls asleep in Violet's arms, her warm cheek resting on Violet's shoulder. Violet wraps her arms around the little girl, listening to her little breaths in the dark. She imagines what her little sisters would look like now. How grown they would be. How long there hair would fall past their shoulders. She wondered if they were even alive.

The door to the little girl's nursery creaks open, a slight stream of light cracking down the middle of the room. Negan's outline stands in the doorway, Lucille tight at his grip beside him. "Shh," Violet whispers, "I just got her to sleep." Negan nods his head as he enters the room quietly. He kneels next to the chair that Violet sits with Judith in, placing Lucille against the dresser beside them.

"She's a sweet little thing ain't she?" Negan smiles as he runs his fingers along the little girl's back. Violet nods her head as she continues to hold the little girl tight. "She is," Violet nods. Negan smiles as he breathes in silently. "You would make a great mom, Vi," he smiles. Tears well in her eyes as she stares at him.

"You think so?" She asks, a single tear gliding down her cheek. Negan nods once as he flicks the tear away. "I don't think so," he says, "I know so." Violet shakes the tears away as she slowly sucks in some of the warm summer air. "I'm not a dark person like you Negan," she whispers, "I'm good. I want to be good. I do want to be a mom. I want to be a good mom. Like my adoptive mom was."

"I know," he nods, "I do." He's quiet for a few moments before speaking again. "Vi," he whispers, "I don't want to be a bad guy but I can't always be a good guy either. But, if you want to be a mom, I can help you with that. You can be one. If you want to be." Violet listens to him carefully as she rests her head against Judith's little face. "Would it be wrong to bring a child into this world?" She asks Negan.

"No," Negan whispers, "whatever child you bring into this world would be lucky to have you as their mother, walkers or no walkers."

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