I Remember You Chapter 1

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General P.O.V…

Ice Queen cackled furiously as she pelted cake with ice bolts. Fionna leaped up and knocked the crown off of Ice Queen’s head, “My powers!” shrieked the Ice Queen. Just then a giant Cake jumped up to get the crown away from ice queen. Cake accidently ran across the room too fast, and her paws slid on the ice floor. She collided into Fionna, making Fionna throw the crown up into the air, and Fionna crashed through the ice wall into the snow outside the ice palace. Cake then leaped out the hole in the wall to retrieve her sister, Just as the crown hit the floor.  Ice queen just shrugged, and picked he crown up off the floor.

Fionna’s P.O.V…

When I opened my eyes I was suddenly blinded by bright lights and pink furniture. “Where am I? I thought.  I looked around and saw I was in a hospital bed. Huh, weird. I thought, I can’t remember why I’m in here.  I hopped off the bed, and walked over to a mirror. Whoa…I look like a mess. My hair is all matted to my head, and I have small cuts and bruises all over me. Heh… it looks like I fell out a second story window. I walked over to a small table by the bed. I saw a clipboard on it, so I read the info. It said:
Name: Fionna
Description: Blue eyes, long blonde hair, female
Species: human
Well the description is right so I guess that’s me. Wait, I thought, how come I don’t remember?  Just then the door opened, and a man in a pink and purple suit came in the room with a relieved expression on his face.  “Fionna, your awake.” The man said gleefully, “This is great!”
Fionna that’s me, right? It must be. “Where am I?” I asked.
The man looked confused then said, “The Candy Kingdom infirmary. Are you okay, Fionna? Maybe you should lay back down, while I go get Dr. Ice Cream.”
“Ok.” I said naively as I sat down on the bed. He left and I looked around the room trying to find something to trigger my memory. I saw something white lying on the floor next to the bed.  I picked it up, and saw it is a hat. I put it on and once again looked in the mirror. I tucked all my hair in the hat, letting my bangs hang loose on the side of my face. The white hat had cute bunny ears sticking up at the top.
The door opened again, and this time a small white and tan cat came in, followed by the pink man I saw before. Behind the man wearing a pink suit and crown, an ice cream cone wearing a lab coat came in.  As soon as she saw me, the cat tackled me to the floor in a giant bear hug saying, “Oh, babycakes, your awake!”
“Ow!” I grunted in pain from being so sore all over.
The cat immediately got off me saying with her southern twang, “Oh my goodness. I didn't even think about you having all those bruises.”
“Ahem… uh Fionna I already told Dr. Ice Cream here what you asked me earlier. He would like to ask you a few questions. If that’s okay?” said the man in the pink suit.
“uhhh… yah that’s fine.” I said as I got off the floor.  Dr. Ice Cream asked me a lot of simple stuff, to none of which I had the answers to.
He asked stuff like, “Where do you live? Who is your best friend? What year is it?” and “Do you have any siblings?” I felt so embarrassed that I didn't know the answers. It was starting to freak me out that I couldn’t remember anything.  Why can’t I remember? I thought.
“Okay your highness. I think I have an answer.” The doctor said, “She has amnesia.”
“What?” both the man and the cat yelled at the same time. I just sat there looking confused.
The pink man turned to me and asked, “So, Fionna you really don’t remember anything?”

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