Chapter 3: Introducing Marshall Lee

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Fionna’s p.o.v…

The very first picture in the scrapbook was one of me, cake, Prince Gumball, and some other guy with dark hair and pale skin.  “Uh, Cake?  Who’s that?”  I pointed to the guy in the picture with us.
“That’s Marshall Lee, he’s a no good, vampire prankster.”  Cake said with a disgusted look on her face.
“He’s hot.”  I said without even thinking about what I was saying.  I felt my face heat up.  Why did I have to tell her I think that?  I thought.
Cake looked at me like I was crazy.  Then she pointed to Prince Gumball and asked, “And what about him?”
“Are you asking me if he’s hot?”
“Yes, wait no!  I don’t know.  I’m just asking if you like him.”  Said Cake franticly.
“Uhh… No.  How could I like someone who wears pink and purple all the time?”
“Oh no this isn’t good.  Fionna you’re dating him, you’ve had a crush on him since you were freaking 12!” Cake was nearly shouting.
“Calm down Cake.  It’s ok, I can just break up with him.”
“No!  You do like him, Fi!  You just have to remember how much you love him.”  Cake said.
“Me?  Love him?  You’ve got to be kidding me.”  I yelled.
“Let’s just both calm down.  I’m gonna go tell Prince Gumball that you don’t remember liking him.”  Cake said, “Will you be ok here by yourself?”
“Yahhh… I won’t do anything really dumb.”  I said widening my eyes to look innocent.
“Now that answer is what’s scaring me.”  She said.
I smiled, “Just go Cake I’ll be fine.”
“Ok, finish looking through the scrapbook.  Please try to remember.  Bye.”  She said as she stepped out the front door.
The scrapbook!  I had completely forgotten about that.  “Boy, I sure hope she isn’t gone long.  It’s getting pretty dark.” I said to myself.  I looked at the boy in the picture.  I studied his features, Marshall Lee.  I flipped through most of the book.  Nothing looked familiar.  I was trying my hardest to remember.  I jumped when I heard a husky voice say, “Sup Fi?”
“AHHH!” I screamed, and dropped the scrapbook.
It was him.  It was Marshall Lee.  He flew the rest of the way in the open window, and he sat down next to me on the couch, and put his arm around my shoulders, “Something must be really bothering you.  I’ve tried to scare you a million times, but when I’m not even trying to scare you, somehow I do.” He said, “So what’s wrong?”
His face was just inches away from mine, and I felt a weird tingling feeling go through my body.  “I uhh… J-Just sitting alone in the dark I guess.”  I stuttered, and decided to just to play it cool, and save myself from looking like an idiot explaining that I had amnesia.
“Um… Yeah I’ll have to remember that next time I’m trying to scare you.”  He smiled a smile that made my heart stop.  I couldn’t help but smile back.  He looked at me, and said, “So ya wanna go strangle some pixies, or we could go to my house and watch the new heat signature!”
“I don’t really know if I can.  I kinda have to wait for Cake to get back.”
He looked confused and said, “That’s never stopped you before.”
I stood up, and ran to the kitchen, and said, “Exactly!  I’ll just leave her a note saying I went to your house.  Where should I leave it for her to find?”
“How ‘bout on the table here?” He asked.
' I wrote the note then sat it on the table. “Perfect!” I replied.

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