Chapter 8: Field of Fireflies

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Fionna’s P.O.V…

“What?” I gasped, “Wow, that’s huge!  I finally remembered something!”
“I know,” Cake wrapped me into a bear hug and said, “I’m so happy that you started remembering stuff.”  Then a sound that sounded somewhere between a horse neighing and someone coughing came from inside the little house.  “Sorry.  I gots to go, Sugar.” Cake said as she closed the door.
“Well, what now?” I asked myself.  I left Mo-Chro’s house, and started walking through the woods.  “I could go to Marshall Lee’s house.” I said aloud, “Wait he’s probably still asleep.”  I looked up at the sun still high in the sky.  I walked all the way back to the treefort, and I couldn’t find anything to do.  So I started cleaning the bedroom.  I picked up some dirty clothes from the floor, and put them in the laundry room to be washed.  I did a few other things around the house, and by the time I finished I was exhausted.  I plopped down on my bed with a sigh.  I don’t know when I fell asleep, but when I woke up I was staring face to face with Marshall Lee.
“Boo.” He whispered.
“Dude!” I playfully slapped the side of his head.
“Ha ha!” He floated onto the bed beside me.
“That wasn’t funny.” I said.
Marshall smirked, “You should’ve seen your face.”
“Whatever…” I blushed.
“So Fi, you ready to go adventuring?”
“Yeah, where are we going?” I sat up in my bed, and Marshall floated up into the air.
“Awww, what?  That’s not fair.” I whined, “You gotta tell me.”
“I could, but I would hate to ruin the surprise.” Marshall picked me up, and flew out into the cool night air.  Marshall flew really high and really fast, so I hung onto him for my life.
“Oh Marshall, I almost forgot to tell you something important.  I remembered something this morning.” I said. 
“Really?  That’s great, what did you remember?” Marshall questioned.
I looked off at the stars and said, “I remembered cake and I fighting Ice Queen.  Cake crashed into me, and I fell out of the castle into the snow.  Cake told me that’s how I got this stupid amnesia.”
“Oh, maybe we can find a way to further jog your memory.”  Marshall stated as he let me down to the ground, “We’re here.”
I looked around, and noticed we were just standing on a grassy hill in the dark.  “This is what you wanted to show me?”  I asked.
“What I wanted to show you is on the other side of this hill.”  Marshall started walking over the small hill.
I stood there confused for a moment the yelled, “Marshall!  Wait up!”  I ran over the hill to find thousands of bright lively fireflies.  “Wow. . .” I said, “It’s so beautiful.”
Marshall smiled and said, “Come on.”  He floated through the bugs.  I quickly ran after him until we got to a fully bloomed cherry blossom tree.  Marshall floated up to sit on one of its branches, and I climbed up after him.
I sat down on the branch that Marshall was on.  “This is amazing!” I smiled.

Marshall’s P.O.V…
“I know right.” I watched Fionna’s blue orbs sparkle with excitement.  I leaned up against the trunk of the tree as I watched the graceful dancing of the fireflies flying through the air.  A stray firefly floated over, and landed on Fionna’s nose.  Fi laughed, and shook the bug off.  We stayed there talking for hours, eventually Fionna dosed off against my chest.  It was really peaceful sitting there watching the light of the fireflies float around through the air, and listening to Fionna’s deep breathing…
“Marshall, wake up.” I heard Fi’s sweet voice ringing through my ears, “Marshy..?”
I lazily opened my eyes, and looked around.  “Hey Fi,” I smiled, “what time is it?”
“I don’t know, but I’m afraid that if we stay here any longer the sun might come up.”
“Heh, yah that wouldn’t be too good.” I stretched.  Then I picked Fionna up, and we floated back to my cave.  We made it in the cave right as the first rays of sunlight peaked over the horizon.  We went inside my house, and I floated over to the couch.  Fionna followed close behind.  “So you wanna play a videogame?” I asked as Fionna plopped down on the couch.
“Sure, what do you wanna play?”
“I don’t know.”  I got off the couch, and floated over to my T.V. set.  I held up some racing game and asked, “How ‘bout this?”
“Alright.  Let’s do this.”  Fi grabbed a game controller, and I put the game on.  Then I floated back over to the couch, sat down, and grabbed the other controller.  “Yeah!  I won!” said Fionna when the first race was over.
“Best two out of three?” I challenged.
“You’re on.” Fi stated.  This is about how the rest of the morning went, at least it did ‘till Fionna asked, “Marshy, what time is it?”
“Uh, about 15 minutes to noon.”
“Oh zip, Cake’s gonna flip!” Fionna stood up and said, “Bye dude.”  Then she ran out the door.
“Bye.” I sighed, and closed the door.

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