Chapter 7: Melodies and Memories

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Marshall’s P.O.V…

I left my blonde adventuress’ house, and floated to the pink castle home to non-other than Bubba Gumball.  I floated up to the window of the lab, and floated in.  Gumbutt was mixing two chemicals together, a pink one and a dark violet colored one.  When he mixed them together it turned red.  ‘This is the perfect time to finally scare him.’ I thought as I snuck up behind him.
“Hello Marshall.” He said and he didn’t even turn away from the chemicals.
“How do you do that?” I asked.
“Simple really.  I thought I heard someone, and you’re the only person who would sneak up on me.  So I just guessed you were there.”  He finally turned to look at me.  He didn’t really look like he had been dumped by the girl he loved.  He looked like his happy goody-goody self, but when I looked into his eyes I could see his pain.  “So, what are you here for Marshall?” he asked.
“Oh, um. . . nothing really.  See ya.” I said as I floated back out the window.  ‘She really did dump him,’ I thought, ‘wow, that’s a shocker.’  I chuckled floating through the air towards my cave.
When I got home I couldn’t think of anything to do, so I just messed around with my bass for a while.  “This is what I brought you.  This you can keep.” I sung, “This is what I brought, you may forget me.  I promise to depart.  Just promise one thing.  Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.” I played a small rift, and then sung the next part, “This is what I brought you.  This you can keep.  This is what I brought, you may forget me.  I promise you my heart.  Just promise one thing.  Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.”  I played the rift a little longer this time, then sung, “Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.  This is what is I thought, I thought you’d need me.  This is what I thought, so think me naive.  I promise you a heart you promise to keep.  Kiss my eyes to sleep.” I finished with a soft chord.
Schwabelle jumped off the fridge, and landed on my head with a large meow.  “Aw, girl get off me!” I flew backwards, and crashed into the table.  So I sat there on the floor with a cat on my head, and a flipped over table by my side.  “Great.” I sighed, “Well it’s going to be dawn soon, so I should probably leave this mess for tomorrow, and go to bed.”

Fionna’s P.O.V…
“Babycakes, wake up.  Time for spaghetti breakfast.” Cake’s cheery voice was the first thing I heard the next morning.  “Ughh.” I groaned then pulled the covers up over my head.  “Fionna you gotta get up.  It’s not my fault that you stayed up all night playing video games with Marshall Lee.”  Then Cake pulled me out of my bed.  I landed on the floor with a big thud.
“Okay, okay let me get dressed.” I said.
“M’kay, but you better hurry.  You have a hot plate of spaghetti waiting for you downstairs.” Cake turned around, and rushed out of the room to go devour her plate of spaghetti.  I changed out of my pajamas into my regular clothes.  I sighed, looked in the mirror, and tied my long hair back into a bun.  I got up as I was putting on my hat, and I ran downstairs to Cake putting another giant helping of spaghetti on her plate.
“Seconds?” I asked.
“Thirds.” Cake smiled.
“Wow, you really like spaghetti.  I better eat mine before it’s all gone.” I sat down across from Cake, and put some spaghetti on my plate.
Once we finished eating our spaghetti breakfast Cake said that she was gonna take Mo-Chro some chicken noodle soup, because he wasn’t feeling so good.  “I might be gone a long time again today.  I have to make sure he’s okay.” Cake said as she turned off the stove, and put the soup into a thermos.
“Awww, that’s so sweet of you, Cake.” I smiled.
“Well see ya in a bit, Fi.” Cake said as she walked out the door.
When Cake left I got up, and washed all the dirty dishes that were piling up in the sink.  I hummed a soft little tune as I washed the dishes.  Next while I had a little privacy I ran a hot bath.  Then I got in, and tried to relax.  I was thinking about when I woke up in the Candy Kingdom infirmary, when suddenly I remembered Cake and I fighting the Ice Queen.  I had knocked the crown off Ice Queen’s head, and Cake ran to get the crown, but she slipped.  She ran into me, I dropped the crown, and fell out of the Ice Kingdom’s palace wall.  I remembered falling, falling through the freezing air, and then... nothing.  I could hear a voice calling out to me.  It sounded a lot like Cake, but I couldn’t be sure. “Fi?  Fionna… oh, Fi it’ll be ok. . . don’t go into the light.” I looked around ‘What light?’  I thought, ‘It’s nothing but darkness.’
I opened my eyes, and jumped out of the tub.  I put my clothes on, and grabbed my hat.  “Wait, I don’t know where to go.”  I walked over to where Beema was sitting and asked her, “Do you know where Mo-Chro’s house is?”  She gave me directions, and I started off to find his house.  When I finally came to a little house I went up to the door, and knocked.  I heard movement going on inside the house then the door opened.
“Oh Fionna!  Why did you come here?  What’s wrong?”  Cake asked when she saw me.
Nothing’s wrong, Cake.  I remembered something while you were gone, and I just had to tell you!”
Cake smiled then asked, “Well, you gonna tell me what you remembered?”
“I was sitting in the bath tub thinking when suddenly I forgot what I was doing, and started staring off into space.  I remembered fighting the Ice Queen.  I had knocked off her crown, and you ran towards me to get it, but you slipped on the ice, and slid into me.  I crashed out the wall, and fell into ice cold darkness.” I told cake.
She was speechless for a moment then said, “I’m glad you remembered something.  That fight is how you got amnesia in the first place.”

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