Chapter 5: Pancake, Swords, and Pictures

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Fionna’s P.O.V…

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes.  I hurried to get dressed.  Then I rushed downstairs into the kitchen.  “Mmm Smells great, Cake!” I smiled.
“Yeah?  I made bacon pancakes, your favorite.  I was hoping you’d maybe remember mornings like this, when you wake up to your favorite foods.”  Cake said as she flipped the pancakes.
“Uh, well I do hope I remember soon.  All this not knowing stuff is very confusing.”  I said.  Cake sat down a plate of pancakes in front of us and sat down.  I took two pancakes off the stack, and Cake took the rest.  Right after I finished my second pancake there was a knock at the door.  “I’ll get it.” I said.  Cake was still eating her pancakes.  I opened the door, and there stood Prince Gumball.  “Hi.” I said shyly.
“Hello Fionna.” He smiled, “May I come in?”
“Uhhh, sure.  Come on Cake’s in the kitchen.”
I turned to walk to the kitchen, but Prince Gumball grabbed my hand and said, “Fionna, Cake told me what you said about not loving me right now, and wanting to break up with me, but I think it would be best if we just wait until you remember everything.  Wouldn’t that be fair?”
“I-I don’t know…” I stuttered.
“Why can’t we just wait until you remember everything?”  His smile was hard to turn down, but then an image popped into my head.  It was Marshall Lee the vampire king, and when he was holding me in his arms watching the movie.
“I know I may regret this later, but I’m sorry, I just don’t wanna date you if I don’t remember you.”
“Fionna think about what you’re doing.” The prince pleaded.
“Oh, I have.  We’ll still be friends though, right?” I asked.
“The best of friends.” He said.  It looked like he was trying his best not to cry, “Good day Fionna.” He turned around and walked off in the direction of the Candy Kingdom.  I ran into the kitchen smiling.
“Who was it?” Cake asked, “And why do you have that creepy smile on your face?”  This made me burst out in laughter, and Cake joined in on the laughter too.
“Cake I remembered something.” I said when I stopped laughing, “It’s nothing big, but I’m just excited I remembered something.”
“Well, spit it out!  What did you remember, girl?” She asked.
“Ok, it’s just something about Marshall Lee.  I remembered that he’s the king of the nightosphere, and that I usually just call him Marshall.”   I said proud that I remembered something.  “Oh, and I have some more news!  I broke up with Prince Gumball.”
“You did what?” Cake yelled.
“I broke up with Prince Gumball.” I repeated. “I’m gonna finish looking through the scrapbook. ‘k Cake?”
“Yeah…” Cake mumbled something after that, but I didn’t care.  I just wanted to remember something else.
I walked to the living room again, and I picked up the scrapbook from where I dropped it last night.  Surprisingly it was still on the page I was on when I dropped it.  It’s a picture from my 16th birthday.  Cake wrote a description below each picture, so I could tell what each picture is.  It’s one of the few pictures that I’m actually wearing a dress in.  This dress is red with spaghetti strap.  It flows down to my knees.  Cake is in front of me, Prince Gumball is to my side, holding my hand, and Marshall is behind me acting as if he was about to suck my blood, but I can tell he was just joking from the playful gleam in his eyes.  We all look really happy.
I turned the page.  I was back in my adventuring clothes, and I was holding a sword, fighting an ogre.  ‘Oh, so that must be why we have all these swords, and weapons lying around.’ I thought, ‘I must really, really like adventuring.’
The next picture was just of Marshall Lee.  He was floating in the air, and smirking at the camera.  It had no description under it, so I took it out and stuffed it in the green backpack I was carrying around.  I looked at several more pictures then I got to the end of the book.  I got up, and put the book back in the closet.  “Oh honey, there you are.  I was just gonna tell you, I’m going to my boyfriend Lord Monicronicorn’s house.  Will you be ok here by yourself?”
“Yeah Cake, actually I was thinking about going adventuring today.  I grabbed a silver sword with a black handle, and a sky blue crystal attached to the handle, and I stuck it in the loop on my bag.
“Are you sure it’s ok to go by yourself?  I mean, you are a little out of practice with sword fighting.”
“Well, if it’ll make you feel better I could go get Marshall to come with me.” I said as I fixed my hair under my bunny hat.
“Yeah, I guess.  Want me to drop you off by his house on my way to Mo-Chro’s place?”
“Yeah that’d be great!” I replied.

Marshall’s P.O.V…

I had a very unusual dream.  It was about Fionna, and all the times she’s been there for me.  It started when I first met Fionna when she was 12, and the dream went all the way up to yesterday.  I woke up thinking this dream had to mean something, when I heard a knock at the door.  I got out of bed, floated downstairs, and opened the door.  There stood a blushing Fionna saying, “Uhhh… Hey Marshall… Did I wake you?”  That was when I realized I was still just in my back boxers. 
“Heh… No, hold on a sec.” I shut the door, floated up to my bedroom, grabbed some pants, and put them on.  Then I floated back to the front door, and opened it.  “So, yeah… Sorry ‘bout that, Hun.” I smirked.  This made Fi blush even more.
“Uh, you wanna come adventuring with me?  Cake went to Lord M’s house, and adventuring is more fun with two.”
“Sure, where’d you have in mind?” I asked as I grabbed a long sleeved shirt off the couch, and buttoned it up.
“I um, I… actually I thought maybe you should decide.” She said.
“Oh really? Or is it that you can’t remember anywhere to go?” I asked.  “Cake told me last night, about your amnesia.  Why didn’t you tell me?”
She stood there for a moment silent.  Then she said, “I-I don’t know.  I j-just didn’t know how to t-tell you.” She sobbed. “Just don’t be mad at m-me.” She began crying.
“Hey Fi, It’s alright, I’m not mad at you, see?” I pulled her into a tight hug, letting her cry into my shirt.  I didn’t mind, I just had to make Fi feel better.  I can’t stand to see her cry.  “Come on.” I picked her up, and floated over to the couch, and I sat down with Fionna in my lap.
After a while Fionna’s sobs started to slow down, and I saw her blue eyes light up, and she said, “I’m so glad you’re not mad at me, but I think Cake and Prince Gumball are mad at me though.”
I looked at her shocked ‘Why would they ever be mad at her?’ I thought.  “Why?” I asked.
Her eyes shifted to the ground as she spoke, “Well I sort of broke up with Prince Gumball today.”
“What? Why?” I asked.
“I don’t love him.  I used too.  From what Cake was telling me, I really loved him, but not anymore.”
I was shocked.  I never thought I would ever hear Fi say that.  I looked at her, and smiled.  “Hey Fi, ready for that adventure?”
She smiled her breathtaking smile and said, “Heck yeah!”

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