Chapter 9: The End?

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Fionna’s P.O.V…

I rushed home as fast as I could run.  “Cake is gonna be soooooo mad,” I said to myself, “I didn’t mean to stay all night and then some with Marshall.”  I walked in the front door and said, “Hellooo, Cake I’m home.”
“Finally!” Cake said stretching down the ladder from our bedroom, “Girl, you about scared me half to death.  When I came home from Mo-Chro’s place you were asleep in your bed, so I came down here to the living room, and I read some of this book,” Cake gestured to a book sitting on the table, “Then I went up to go to bed, and you weren’t there.  I searched the whole treefort, and didn’t find you.  Then Beema told me that she saw Marshall Lee carrying you off somewhere.  So I stayed up waiting for you to come home.  When you never showed back up I finally decided to go to bed.”
“Oh Cake,” I voiced, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to stay so long.  We fell asleep in this field Marshall showed me, and when we woke up the sun was about to rise, so we had to hurry up, and get Marshall to safety.  We got to Marshall’s house as fast as we could.  When we got to there we played videogames, and I forgot to come home immediately.  I’m sorry Cake.”
“It’s alright, Fi.  I just get worried about you.” Cake yawned.
“Oh Cake,” I gave my sister a hug, and said, “Maybe you should get some more sleep.”
“Yeah, I probably should.”
“Cake I’m gonna take a walk while you sleep.”
“mmm’k.”  Cake mumbled as she stretched herself up to our shared bedroom.
I walked outside into the bright daylight.  I couldn’t think of anywhere to go, so I decided I would go explore in the forest a little ways behind my house.  I walked into the forest through the tree line.  I saw a lot of small animals as I walked through the woods.  I walked for a really long time, and then I came across a small lake. ‘Oh wow,’ I thought, ‘it’s so pretty here.’  The sun was shining down on the lake making it sparkle.  The birds were chirping their merry little tunes, and the sweet smell of pine leaves was very strong here.  I walked around the lake a few times, and I noticed time was slipping away, because the sun was already far in the west.  “Oh wow, I better hurry to get back before Cake wakes up.” I said.  I ran to the other side of the lake, then through the forest, occasionally stubbing my toe or getting small cuts from the small green thorns I was running through.  I huffed my way out of the woods.  The sun had gone down, and the full moon was now up.  ‘The moon is really big and bright tonight.’ I thought.  I could see the back of the treefort off in the distance.  I ran over the small grassy hills of the grasslands I live in, and got to the treefort.  I quietly snuck back in, and noticed Cake’s loud snoring from the bedroom.  “Good, I didn’t wake her up,” I whispered, “but what should I do now?”
“You could always go see Marshall Lee.” Beema suggested.
“Oh hey Beema, I didn’t see you there.  Yeah, I think I will visit Marshall Lee.  Can you tell Cake where I am if she gets up before I’m back?”
“Sure thing Fionna!”
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver Beema!” and with that I had walked out the door, and was on my way to Marshall’s house.
I was a little over half way there when I heard, “Fionna!”
I turned around, and saw Marshall Lee.  “Oh hey dude!” I said as I walked over to him.

Marshall’s P.O.V…

Fionna smiled an amazing smile as she walked up to me.  “Fionna, you didn’t get in trouble with Cake, did you?”
“No, no.  She wasn’t too mad.  She was just extremely worried about me.” Fionna voiced.
“Good, I was actually coming to see if you got in trouble, because it was sort of my fault you didn’t come home.”
“Awww, that’s sweet of you Marshy.” Fi smiled.
I couldn’t help myself, she looked so beautiful, and I had to kiss her.  So I did just that, I looked her in the eyes, and kissed her.  It wasn’t an extremely long kiss, but it wasn’t too short, it was passionate.  When it ended too soon I told Fionna my true feelings about her, and told her I loved her.  Fionna’s face was flushed, and she looked dumbfounded.  She was silent, just staring at me, but her eyes didn’t really look focused on me.  “Oh, I see how it is!  You don’t like me back, do you?!” I yelled.  ‘How could I have been stupid enough to actually reveal my feelings to her?’  “DO YOU?” I screamed.  Fionna fell to her knees, and started crying.  Tears were rolling down her cheeks.  I had never seen Fi cry like this before.  “Fi look, I’m sorry for yelling at you.  I didn’t mean to make you this upset.” I said.
Fionna looked up at me and smiled, “Oh Marshall, I remember you!  I remember everything now!”
I helped her back up and said, “That’s great.”
“I love you, Marshy!” Fionna said as I wiped the tears off her cheek.
I leaned in, and kissed her again, “I love you too.”

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