Chapter 6: Thunder-Bird Mountain

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Fionna’s P.O.V…

We were climbing the side of Thunder-bird Mountain to get the golden egg from the giant bird.  We were nearly at the top when Marshall said, “Ok let’s do this!”  He looked at me, and smiled.  If I wasn’t using both of my hands to climb I would have had to put my hand on my chest to steady my heart.  While Marshall was climbing I looked at his features.  ‘He’s very handsome.’ I thought.  He has long black hair fell just over his crimson eyes.  I was still studying his features when he looked at me and joked, “What?  Is there something on my face?”
“Uhh… n-no.” I blushed.  We got to the peak of the mountain, and just as the old tales say there was a giant bird’s nest sitting on the mountain.  With no sign of the thunder-bird we jumped into the nest, and grabbed the egg.  As we were getting out of the nest we heard the sound of the bird’s wings flapping noisily through the air.  The booming sound was so loud I had to cover my ears.
“Go.” Marshall commanded.  I did as Marshall said, and jumped out of the nest.  When I turned around I saw Marshall had thrown the golden egg down by me.  I waited for him to jump down here with me, and when he didn’t I climbed back up the nest.  The bronze bird was clawing and pecking furiously at Marshall’s face.  I grabbed my sword, and jumped at the bird.   Shrieking a fierce battle cry, I stabbed the enormous bird’s back.  The thunder-bird stopped attacking Marshall Lee, and it threw me off its back.
I landed against the side of the nest.  Something painfully sharp landed in my back.  The bird came over to me, and I immediately jumped up.  ‘My sword!’ I thought, ‘Where’s my sword?’  I saw my silver sword stuck in the huge bird’s back, and jumped to it.  I grabbed the handle, and yanked it down hard enough to temporarily paralyze the bird while Marshall and I left the mountain with the golden egg.  “Yeah we did it!” I yelled.
“You were awesome out there, Fi.” Marshall smiled.  I don’t know why, but I couldn’t help but blush.
I giggled as I said, “Thanks dude.” Marshall Lee picked me up, and carried me to my treefort.  Marshall took the heavy egg, and threw it onto a pile of other gold objects in my den.  I looked at him and asked, “So… what do ya wanna do?”
“How ‘bout we play video games?” Marshall walked into the living room and called, “Beema?”
Just then the cute little machine came out of the cabinet, holding a sock.  “Yes?”
“Hey Beema, can you hook us up with some spell caster 4?”
“What’s spell caster 4?” I asked.
“Just another video game I’m gonna kick your butt at!” shouted Marshall Lee.
“Oh you’re on!” The music of a video game came on, so Marshall and I directed our attention to the game.  I don’t know how long we played, but eventually it got dark, and Cake came home.  We kept tying, but Marshall eventually won.  “Finally.” We both said when Beema’s screen read, “YOU WON!”
“Welp, I should probably get home, and you should get to bed.” Marshall said as he lazily floated off the couch, and stretched.
“Yeah,” I yawned, “I really had fun today.”
“Me too,” Marshall smiled, “see ya.”  He floated out the window, and I closed it behind him.  I walked upstairs, and climbed in bed.  Cake was already fast asleep.

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