Chapter 36 ↣ Do you mean it?

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"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other."

— Paulo Coelho

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DARYL'S STEADY HEARTBEAT could be heard as I rested against his chest. His warmth enveloped me, chasing away the damp chill that had befallen the prison now that the sun had gone down. It was most likely going to rain; I could feel it in the air.

He had worried about me, genuinely worried, but that hadn't been the first time, had it? In Atlanta, are ya bit? Scratched? In the R.V., Well, your face looks worse than it did already so... In the CDC, Next time I'll just let you sleep. Let whatever's causing your nightmares have its fun. At the farm, blurry from the pain, you're gonna be okay. After seeing my father in that car, I'd say a panic attack ain't nothing. Those horrible night terrors, Yeah, it's me, Kathryn. You're hyperventilating. Hey, hey, look at me. It was a dream... That virus we had caught, don't make me force feed these to you.

I was so blind, so stupid. My heart was hammering in my chest, and a truth rang clear in my head. "I love you." I froze as the realization that I hadn't said that alone set in.

Everything in body screamed run. I leapt from the bed and stood at the far end of the cell. Daryl was by the door. "You what?" we asked each other, our voices breaking in unison on what.

My mind was racing. What on Earth was happening? We had not thought this through. I stared in disbelief at Daryl as he stared right back. Things like this didn't just happen...but this hadn't just happened, had it? Everything had led us here. Every turn, every situation that caused us to work together, every nudge from the group. So many had known before we had even paid each other a second glance.

Dale's words rang in my ears. You two might not know it yet, but I certainly do.

My gaze dropped to the floor. "Do you mean it?" I asked Daryl quietly, terrified of the answer.

There was a long silence before he cleared his throat. "I ain't never known someone who I...y' I don't really know how it's s'pposed to go, but I think that's what I...I think. Do you?"

I looked back up at him. He was curling in on himself, gnawing on his thumbnail, shoulders brought up to his ears. Red colored his cheeks. His eyes darted between me and the floor. My stomach flipped and knotted itself beyond untangling.

As I approached Daryl, he dropped his hands. He looked as if he was going to say something, but I didn't give him the chance. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him with everything I had. Daryl took a step back; I had obviously taken him completely by surprise, but tonight was designated for surprises.

He quickly recovered though and got with the program. His hands found the loops of my jeans, and he brought me closer before wrapping an arm around my waist and tangling a hand in my hair. Noses bumped slightly as we adjusted to the space closing.

My mind was a mess. Everything about him being rapidly recorded. I couldn't forget the way he smelled of pine and dirt or how his facial hair scratched against my cheek. His lips had a lingering taste of tobacco that was addicting in itself.

We both pulled away slightly as our lungs still needed oxygen. We didn't go far, though. Daryl still kept his hands on me, and I still had my arms around him. Our heavy breathing filled the cell, and the sound of my blood rushing around in my head filled my ears. Somewhere in the distance a low grumble of thunder erupted.

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