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A/N - beforehand I'd like to give a quick disclaimer because this book does contain acts of infidelity from a main character, lots of mentions of drugs, one character may be a little hurtful to the other (some people might even refer to is as 'abusive' but that's the whole point here. THIS IS ENTIRELY FICTIONAL AND IT IS NOT WHAT I THINK H&L ARE LIKE IRL (lbr those two are too cheesy to be mean to one another) SO PLEASE DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA) all in all what I'm trying to say is if you're sensitive to such content I strongly advise you don't read this book in case you are triggered one way or or the other. Thank you. (The prologue is this chapter) xx

Euphoria: the feeling or state of intense happiness and excitement.

The first time he did cocaine was when he landed his first job as a designer. It hadn't been because he needed an escape or was going through a 'rough' patch in his life. It hadn't been because he thought it would be 'cool' to do what all the other party-goers were doing , it happened completely on accident. A controlled accident if you will.

The first time he did cocaine was when he landed his first job as a designer and Louis liked it, liked the loss of control, to give himself up to an inanimate object. He had felt confident, sexy, strong and fearless. As though the world was at his feet as he strolled around on a pedestal above all the mortals of the universe.

So to say he wasn't expecting to need it, to obsess over something he so clearly didn't require on a day- to- day basis wouldn't have been exactly a lie per se.

If Louis had been aware of the effects it would have on him he probably wouldn't have laid a finger on it, but he wasn't aware.

Which was exactly the problem: he was never aware.

Louis wasn't aware of anything.

Anything at all.

He didn't seem to care.

The sad part of his luxuriously miserable life: he didn't want to.

Another painfully slow hour passed on a particularly uneventful Monday.

Monday: the day every one seems to dread.

Monday: the day where Greg, his right hand man and assistant was screaming his Raven head off at one of the rookies, which had Louis silently crying on the inside because no matter how sassy he is he can never find himself to yell at someone like that, even if said rookie forgot to put the milk in first for his tea. He should fire him for that.

He silently prays he never finds that strength within him because that's a level he himself would never stoop to.

"Mr. Tomlinson, you have a visitor from Forbes magazine. Should I let him in?"

In walks the secretary whom he told on multiple occasions to knock on his office door before she walked in, although he could see her making her way through because his office was made almost entirely of glass.

Still at a young age he was taught to respect others' privacy and his mother be damned if he didn't teach others that wonderful lesson as well.

He did what he always does and chose to ignore it, he plastered on the biggest eye crinkling sunshine smile he could muster and said in a sickly sweet tone "I keep telling you Christy the names Louis not Mr. Tomlinson. C'mon I'm not old enough for that."

Blushing slightly she responds with "Well I could but um.. I just think that wouldn't be very. Y'know professional?"

"I'm a 27 year old multi millionaire let me decide for myself what's professional or not," Louis might come off as rude when he says that but may the heavens fall upon this earth if he doesn't set this woman straight. How many times does he have to tell her?

Euphoria | Larry A.UWhere stories live. Discover now