(xviii) - Day VII

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Honi soit qui mal y pense - shame on him who thinks badly of it.

Day 7:

"But.. yeah there's yellowing - but - i don't know mum. It could be," Louis hears Harry whispering over the phone to his mum in the ensuite.

He's a lot more energised today considering he's been passed out for the most part of yesterday, Louis' just worried Harry's going to slip back into a coma and he's grateful for even the smallest amount of movement on Harrys behalf.

Louis had a small talk with a friend that morning for the small amount of time Harry was still asleep. Today was the last day of fashion week and Zayn is off, they haven't seen each other since the previous year, but that's the thing with their friendship, they stay so far away for so long until they meet again and they're practically inseparable.

They've been close friends for as long as Louis can remember, having went to the same school but separating years later because of "personal issues", Louis still doesn't enjoy dwelling on the memory.

When Harry had mentioned him before their grand trip to Paris, Louis had to hold back a boast of laughter because Zayn was beyond just a model to him, but he had to remind himself (rather the voice had to remind him) that Harry did not know this.

Overall, Zayn was a huge part of his adolescents and Louis is well aware Harry is a fan, so not only does he want him to meet Zayn as a friend, but as an admirer too.

Although the voice is highly against this development, Louis quite frankly doesn't give a flying fuck.

So when Harry woke up, he had to pretend that he wasn't making plans with a man he hasn't spoken (PFW doesn't count, there are cameras and people with clipboards everywhere it's hardly private) to in quite some time.

Harry was talkative and all twinkly emerald eyes, and dimpled cheeks. He didn't think it'd be right to ruin the morning with his emotions, he had to admit he was choked up after speaking to Zayn.

Harry exclaimed how he wanted to go out and how he knew he'd be better soon enough, Louis can see straight through his lies. "He's hiding something" the voice mocks. Louis fucking knew he was, but he ignored it for the sake of their afternoon.

They agreed on going for a walk and Louis was planning on taking Harry shopping (finally) at Champs de Elysées and they'd have a visitor, but he thought it'd be a lot more eventful if he did it as a surprise.

When they got dressed and ready to leave Harry got a call from his mum asking how he was since the hospital trip, Harry practically dragged Louis out of the bathroom and now that's how Louis was sitting on the bed, knowing he left something in there, he just doesn't remember what because he's so far gone. He went in there to brush his teeth, but it all was just too much, Louis knows something is very much wrong and he's not good at handling things, he's good at masking them, so that's what he did when he knelt down next to the bath tub and sniffed the confusion away.

"I'll make sure to get it checked out mum - yeah - just in London - yeah okay," Louis can hear the murmurs and he thinks maybe it's something a lot more serious than he may have initially thought.

He hears the click of the ensuite door opening, and Harry asks "what're you waiting for," in such a cheery voice that even has a drug dazed Louis questioning its authenticity.

"If I owned a bakery, it'd be a bakery-pub cross and I'd name it "the cake whisky"... get it? because -" Harry interrupts with a slightly nervous chuckle "yeah i get it," he side eyes Louis as they walk hand in hand for his odd behaviour.

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