(xvii) - Day VI

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Reculer pour mieux sauter - Draw back in order to leap better.

Day 6:

Louis stayed with Harry the entire day and night before, mainly because he just wouldn't let him step out of bed.

When Louis suggested they both go out Harry said "he didn't feel like it," but it was really because he couldn't, Harrys' body was just too exhausted.

Louis could see the ghost of a frown forming on his yellowing face because Harry was good at a lot of things, but lying wasn't one of them.

So he did as Harry instructed and laid with him. Harry was falling in and out of consciousness but Louis was wide awake. His body hurt by six pm because staying in bed is honestly tiring but Harry needed him, and that was all the encouragement he needed to stay by his side. The voice was irritating him the entire time but he'd stuff his face at the perfect distance for Harry to puff his breath in Louis' ear and it would somewhat subside.

When the sun had set, and the moon took its place Louis finally fell asleep with Harry drooling on his chest. It took so long because although he did get tired he couldn't help but get distracted at the curve of Harrys' nose and how the light of the stars from the large balcony were illuminating a light on his face. His lips were dry and cracked but Louis still thinks they're the prettiest pair of lips he's ever seen, as pink as the innocence written across his fluttering eyes. Harry was beauty personified and Louis has never been so grateful in his life to have stumbled into him.

When the sun rose once again, so did Louis because Harry was bent in half holding his belly groaning aloud. He tried to flip him over to ask what was wrong but what surprised him the most was; Harry was still asleep.

Louis yet again didn't know whether to be relieved that Harry was at least getting some form of rest or concerned because he's been sleeping for the most part of twenty-four hours.

"Harry - Harry wake up," Louis says shoving a little at Harrys' broad chest.

"I'm fine!" Harry exclaims literally jumping up, and laughing nervously but wincing after he laughs a little too hard. Louis is shocked to silence because if Harry is joking it's not very funny, and if he's not; well, then Louis doesn't know what to do.

"I'm - I'm just hungry," he finally says after a pregnant pause piercing Louis with a stare - his emerald eyes appearing emotionless and tired.

"I'll get food," Louis replies, grateful for a distraction. As he sends out in order to room service over the phone he barely hears himself talk - his head too lost in thought at Harrys' odd behaviour.

The food was brought in less than thirty minutes and Harry was already asleep again, uncomfortably in a foetus position arms wrapped around his own waist. Louis forcefully woke him up and when Harry started complaining about how 'he isn't hungry anymore just sleepy' he was already thinking up of a master-plan on how he was going to shove the food down his throat, Louis got a call.

Greg needed a ride from the airport, he forgot to call a cab because he's Greg - he's useless like that.

So Louis left Harry with a promise that he'd finish his food and that he'd call if anything was up.

He came back home less than an hour later, plate - still full of food - placed on the floor unceremoniously and Harry asleep on the bed.

Louis didn't really know what to do with the sight before him so he left again to go get some fresh air.

Louis stepped out of the building and finally looked up to take in the view around him, the only times he's left he'd been heading out to something work related and never really got the chance.

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