(xx) - From Eden

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A/N: We're stepping into the near future and all the blanks will be filled in the following chapters. Enjoy. xx

"Honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago, Idealism sat in prison. Chivalry fell on his sword. Innocence died screaming, honey ask me I should know. I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door." ~ Hozier "From Eden"

1 month later

"Louis! The tommo man," Liam claps his hands together as he walks in. "I've been looking for you."

"Oh really," Louis honestly couldn't be bothered, yes he's missed him (he'd never admit that aloud) but he's dying on the inside, he's been back for a little over a month and every day is like his first day in the office and he's neck deep in decision after decision after decision. Some regarding ongoing personal issues like the boy with the long wavy hair, emerald eyes and sad heart. And some are about preexisting problems about work, like how Prism will go bankrupt if he lets YSL ruin their sales when they move to London. So even though he's missed him, he couldn't be bothered because he's occupied otherwise.

"Yes, mate. We've all missed you," Liam starts off, as Louis digs through a manila folder containing a contract, dating back to ten years ago, trying to figure a loophole. "Speaking of which, ever since you left, I haven't seen that - I don't know if you remember him - Harry?"

Louis' head snaps up so fast, "I don't know - why don't you - like - call him," which... Why is Liam even asking Louis? "He knows," the voice whispers insidiously in his ear.

Louis wouldn't be surprised, Liam is a mutual friend, he thought he was succeeding at this 'cheating' stuff, but well "you're not" the voice says. He's not.

"Yeah. I did," Liam states, placing his hands flat in front of Louis menacingly.


Liam turns around to grab a stool from the corner of the all-white office. He places it in front of Louis' table (which was completely unnecessary because, there's a goddamn chair right in front of him) he crosses his legs, and clutches his hands together. "You're busted" the voice whispers. Yeah, no shit.

"Are you sure," Christy stands outside of his room, with two suited men holding Liam's arms as he screeches "let me go, bastards!"

"Yes, he's disturbing me. Security?" He waits for them to turn to him, "just take him out."

"Louis! What the fuck, mate. I was gonna tell you something! You're gonna regret this, Lou," Louis may or may not feel a pang of guilt but it subsides after yellowing green eyes filled to the brim with tears he put there flashes before his eyes and he can't let that happen. He can't. "He'll find out anyways," it irks. And Louis momentarily wonders who the owner of the voice even is.

But the real questions were, why was Liam even nosing in on issues that aren't his? Why does he care? "He's your friend" the voice says, it's making so many valid points today.

Hopefully Liam has the heart to forgive him for this, Louis' a dick for this. Well Louis' a dick in general, but Liam had no right saying "you're cheating on Vanessa!" in such a casual tone, hell even a slight bit cheery.

Liam's a weird guy, Louis just didn't think he was this weird.

Louis' going to send Liam a box of chocolates and the prettiest roses as soon as he gathers himself together, he's got lots of shit to do and fast too.

"He kick you out too?"

Greg sits on the bar stool with jäger shots organised in front of him.

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