(xii) - Day I

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Cherchez la femme - Find the woman.

Day 1:

Harry woke up to an inexplainable gust of cold wind, an empty bed and the only sign of a previous partner there: a note.

So sorry I couldn't wake u, u looked so peaceful. the fittings were today so I had to be there. don't miss me too much I'll be back at the hotel before u know it. xx

Harry can't help but let his heart clench at the sudden loneliness. He's a grown man. He can function properly without Louis around, but he feels neglected, call him silly.

After an hour of showering, talking on the phone with his mum and sister to see how they're doing, and walking around trying to pass the time he realizes that that just won't do. Harry gets ready and decides to head out. Where? He has no idea but he will not sit around moping and waiting for Louis to come back. He was better than that.

Harry dressed as casually as he can muster - as casual as he thinks could be considered appropriate for a such a high end hotel - and steps outside only to be met by a windy kind of warmth: Paris summer. He could do this.

After trekking around on the mostly empty streets with small kiosks and couples walking hand in hand - no wonder people refer to it as the city of love - Harry can't help but feel a little green with envy. He finds a corner shop, and on the curve of the street is a small bakery, the smell of freshly baked bread and biscuits wafting towards him as he turned to the door. As soon as he walks in he's startled by a mans voice shouting "Bienvenue, Monsieur!" Right in his ear. Harry jumps at the sudden intrusion. "Uh- uh hello?"

"Are you from Amérique," he suddenly asks - a long raven-haired French bloke, green apron wrapped around his waist. Bright colored eyes and height towering over Harry by at least a couple of inches.

Harry immediately jumps to the - smart - conclusion that 'Amérique' is the French way of saying 'America'. "No. From the U.K.," Harry replies, as he tries to keep his voice from wavering because the man is a walking Adonis. Not nearly as godly in appearance as Louis. But the comparison just wouldn't be fair.

"Ah. You look foreign," the man says after giving Harry a scrutinizing once over. Harry surprisingly understands he's trying to say 'foreign' although it comes out more like 'fokheign'.

"Comment t'appelle et tu?"


"Louis," Harry's caught of guard at that. "What?"

"Ja m'appelle Louis, Harry" Harrys a little bewildered at the coincidence. Louis just followed him every where he went didn't he?

"That's funny, my boyfriends name is Louis," Harry says chuckling but with no mirth because it's hard to find humor in something so utterly strange.

"Que?" Louis asks. "Nothing," Harry dismisses.

"Just. I zought you - never mind - how may I help you?"

Louis walks behind the glass compartments of baked goods and - Harry is surprised to see - fresh French croissants. You'd think he was Charlie in the chocolate factory. His heart eyes are interrupted by a "so what would you like?" After a minute of scoping around, he knows what he wants but; he didn't bring any money.

Not a pound.

Not a euro.

Not a Swiss franç.

"um... nothing. I was just looking around and the smell of bread brought me here." After giving Harry - what he decided - was a condescending glare, that evaporated into a look of something like pity Louis#2 (Harry has resolved that his internal voice will call him that just so as to not get confused) then declares "Harry," - which sounds a lot like he's trying to hack something out of his throat 'hakhy'- "I saw you eyeing ze croissants. You can have a few with ze deal zat you have to keep me company until I'm off shift," He stretches his long neck, to put his nose in the air - an obviously decided decision is what he's portraying Harry was always told the French had a haughty arrogance to them - and Harry squints his eyes, pretending to be thinking the deal over, when in reality he's just trying to see if the black dot on the mans left cheek is a mole or a stain, how can he turn down such an incredible win-win situation? He gets free breakfast and gets to chat up a sexy frenchman.

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