(v) - Understanding

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Understanding : perceive the intended meaning of.

That's how Louis found himself parking his Jaguar that he drove himself (Harry said he didn't want Louis' chauffeur to pick him up because "that's not a proper date, Lou!" So there Louis was driving one of his cars himself - something he hadn't done in years - all for the satisfaction of this kid.) in front of a brick building, in the shady side of town.

"C'mon. C'mon," Louis said to his phone screen, waiting for Harry to pick up, as he's been down stairs - leaning on the side of his car that faced Harrys entrance - for nearly an hour. The sun was setting gradually, the rays burning the top of the apartments in front of him. The yellowish, orangish hue giving the illusion of magic, a 'hallelujah' over the city, Louis wondered if anyone saw it, either they did or he's just high.

"Louis! Stop fucking calling, I said I'll be ready - it's not my fault you said we were going to Le Gavroche - AKA England's most prestige restaurant," Harry rattles off, clearly out of breath. Louis restrains his bubbling desire to laugh because he's imagining Harry pulling on a pair of one of his tight trousers, which he always struggled with.

"Okay - Okay just hurry," Louis says already putting his phone into its respective spot in the back pocket of his dark brown Armani trousers - it's then that he gets a call from Vanessa.

He hesitantly picks up, slightly paranoid that Harry will come down the stairs while he's speaking to her.

"Hello, baby," Vanessa starts the conversation off with.

"Hey sweetie. You miss me?"

"Oh god, yes I do," she practically moans. Which makes Louis' stomach coil with that familiar feeling of guilt - because he did not miss her back. How could he? With this green-eyed boy and a smile too wide for his face to keep him distracted.

"Moi aussi. I'm heading out with a friend. Any reason you called?"

"Oh yeah. You know how you said we could meet up today last week -" he didn't remember, he gets the phone off his ear and smacks himself once on the forehead, good and hard, he can't believe he forgot. "- well sadly I can't, I'm going out for dinner with a friend of mine from work."

Louis sends a silent 'thank you' to the gods above, he's never been more grateful in his twenty-seven years of living.

"No, no that's fine. I was heading out right now too, pas de problème," He replies, trying his best to contain his excitement. She didn't seem too bummed out to be occupied otherwise, considering she couldn't meet up with Louis, if he hadn't been too stuck in his head he would've found the thought a little suspicious.

After more not so genuine promises, an even faker exchanged declaration of love, and a few forced boasts of laughter - she eventually hangs up.

Which was coincidentally right when Harry was descending from the demolished steps to his raggedy building.

Him and the building were a right contradiction.

Louis can't help but stare, as Harry stood before his very eyes, dashing as ever, glistening as though he just stepped out of a glittery shower, polished from head to toe. He looked utterly breathtaking, dressed in Haider Ackermann, white shirt unbottoned all the way to his navel and purple pants hugging him so tight, Louis can see the faint outline of his cock when he walks.

Louis had seen that outfit at HAs' fashion show last year, just doesn't remember what season, but that did not matter because Harry was rocking it regardless of what season it was initially designed for.

Harry kept the scarf from the runway look and he feels snuggly when he finally, finally hugs Louis, even though Louis is wearing a Givenchy nude coat and he shouldn't technically be able to feel Harry's hands press into his chest. Louis thinks he's pressing to feel his rib cage near combusting from his increased heart rate. It could be Harry, or it could be the coke.

"You look so good," Louis emphasises, pulling Harry in for a kiss only to get interrupted by a "take me out first, then maybe, maybe I'll kiss you."

Well Louis could work for what he wanted.

"Par ici, Monsieur," Louis says with a slight bow as he opens the passenger door to his silver Jaguar XJ.

"You're tugging my pants off with just your words," Harry looks genuinely starstruck.

Louis' specialty was to please.

"Is that Gordon Ramsay? Louis don't fucking tell me that's Gordon Ramsay," Harry says mouth 'o' shaped as he directs his thumb - subtlety - in Gordon Ramsay's direction.

"That's Gordon Ramsay," Louis says around a mouth full of French snail - the same dish that had Harry grimacing ("That's an animal, Louis. One that was alive before a big bad man came and killed him and his entire fam-" Louis interrupted him because ew he did not need to know that "shut up, Harry. You get your vegan meal, I get my meat filled dish, no blood no foul." "But there is blood because they killed him," Harry had said with a - Louis had to admit - cute - pout. When he tried to replace that meal, he was told they couldn't so he was stuck with Harry throwing disapproving faces in his direction.)

"How can you just say that - so casually, like - like it's an every day thing to be wining and dining in the same vicinity as fucking Gordon Ramsay," Harry exclaims, salad completely forgotten.

"Chéri, c'est normal. Now shut the fuck up and eat-" and that's when Louis sees him - not fucking Gordon Ramsay - but Liam.

He has a mini-heart-attack because no... This can not be happening right now.

Liam couldn't see him with Harry, because unlike Harry, Liam knew he had a girlfriend, had even introduced Louis to his girlfriend for goodness sake.

Harry hadn't told Liam about his current arrangement with Louis because it just hadn't come up and when Louis had kinda flipped out when he remembered that - yeah Harry wasn't just his to keep for a little fun, but Harry had friends and one of those friends was Louis' best friend Liam - he was irrevocably fucked. Thankfully all was in Louis' favor since he was keeping Harry practically hostage, he hadn't gotten the chance to tell anyone about Louis.

Which was all well, until he got lost in staring at Liams' direction, as he couldn't see Louis, so Harry - being the ever so nosy prick he was turned to see what had gotten Louis' attention divided - Louis instantly hopped off his chair like a mad man to grab Harry by his sharp jaw to turn him back around, knowing Harry and his friendly character he would call Liam over to there table and expose Louis' well kept secret.

Which was not going to happen. Not in Louis' book no.

"What the fuck," Harry said, trying but failing to conceal his shock at Louis' utterly barbaric behavior.

"Eat, don't look for Gordon Ramsay just fucking eat," Louis replies attempting his damn hardest to keep his facial expressions as neutral as possible.

"No, babe Gordon was sitting here not there -" Harry then turns back around to show him the direction he was looking towards causing Louis to once again stand up in a spilt second like he's possessed to prevent him from seeing the last person he wants to catch him with Harry, but this time around things didn't run as smoothly as they had before, because as Louis abruptly stands up he accidentally drops the bottle of Domain Coche-Dury on the table.

Which thankfully gets Harry to immediately turn back around, but unfortunately causes everyone in the restaurant to look in Louis' direction.

Everyone, including Liam. Liam who's standing at the reservation table, in a classic grey Armani suit, and that's when Louis finally noticed a women wrapped around his arm.

Louis, through his shock vaguely thinks that 'maybe that's the woman Liam's been hiding for so long' but as he looks in his direction, he notices the shock evident on Liams face.

Louis thinks he's going to come to the table, merely shocked to see Louis, that's all.

But that's when Liam whispers to the woman, a lady wearing a red dress, jet-black hair tucked into a sleek ponytail, who's turned away from where him and Harry were eating.

To Louis' dismay, Liam grabs the woman by the hand and leads her out of the restaurant.

Louis' never been so grateful in his life albeit a little suspicious towards Liams' action, still grateful.

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