(xi) - Compromise

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Compromise : An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

"Lou," Harry calls from the guest room.

Louis would have missed his voice if he hadn't gotten his head out of the suitcase he was currently packing things in.

"Yes chéri," Louis practically mumbles too busy trying to decipher how he got a red stain on his oversized lilac McQueen sweater.

"Y'know.... I think it's kinda weird that you weren't - y'know - vomiting, after that time you overdosed on tequila and lime shots the other night," by the end of the sentence he's standing in the doorway, already dressed and ready.

Louis sort of freezes but tries to keep his expression as neutral as possible. "No I wasn't, I probably didn't drink enough to anyways and chéri I don't even think it's possible to overdose on alcohol, did you pack everything," Louis silently prayed the change of subject didn't deter Harry.

"Yes indeed I have. We're going to Paris, Lou. Did you think I would wait?" He rolls his eyes as though the answer to the rhetorical question is obvious.

Louis chuckles a little under his breath. It's nice to know they're back on good terms after the 'incident'. He's also very much surprised Harry was keeping to himself for a bit and letting Louis do his own 'thing'. That being work and getting reconciliation with his now-fiancé. Harry obviously wasn't aware of the latter.

Vanessa also had her suspicions but from what Louis could tell she was too busy flashing her diamond ring in everyone's face to care, really. Louis has said before and will say again Vanessa wasn't a gold-digger nor did she really 'need' Louis, or at least the stuff that came along with him because him, his business and the money that came from said business were a package deal. You either take-all or you leave-all. All of that somehow left him confused. He didn't necessarily get why she stayed with him even though he didn't treat her right, not that he was complaining because prior to contrary belief he only stayed with her because he had to. That fact was as easy as breathing to say aloud "Nessa, I need you," the only thing he really could say to her and mean.

Harry was out doing god-knows-what for the week Louis was getting ready for fashion week and sleeping next to Vanessa at night.

Louis didn't really mind nearly as much as he might of initially thought, mainly because he needed that space to get important shit done.

Informing his parents their son was engaged, and his sisters that their brother was a soon-to-be-husband. All of it was scary if he does say so himself, he still can't wrap his head around how he was even capable of not only lying to the one he loved, or the ones he loved but also taking it to the extent of promising a commitment he knew he wasn't able to give.

And obviously work which was almost always on the top of his priorities. Super models were going to be brandishing his outfits for this specific collection ("Lou, is Zayn Malik going to be there? Oh my god please tell me Zayn is modeling something," Harry had said to him clearly awed while he massaged his scalp. "You'll just have to come and see for yourself, ange." Harry then pulled his head back to flash a ridiculous pout in his face. This kid would be the death of him.) not that they hadn't before, they always do, it's just Louis always brings his A-game exclusively for PFW.

The Parisian audiences opinion was - honestly speaking - very crucial in the fashion industry.

"Did you see my lilac sweater," it's Harry that pulls Louis out of his thoughts. He can't help but silently smile to himself, because that's where the indecipherable red stain came from. Oh this kid would definitely be the death of him.

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