First Day of School

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Y/n walked into the cafeteria, trying not to look nervous. It was their first day in a new high school in South Korea, and they were a foreign exchange student. They looked around, getting more nervous as each table was full. But there was a table with one person at it; a boy from their class who sat away from everyone and didn't talk. Gathering their courage, Y/n went to the table and sat across from him. He glanced up from his book and looked at them with a bored expression.  Y/n used their hands to indicate that they weren't gonna bug him, since he was wearing earbuds and probably couldn't hear. Y/n ate lunch as quietly as they could, and looked around, a little nervous since people were looking at the table and whispering. 

Y/n got up and put their trash and leftover food in the trash can. As they were walking back to the table, they tripped over someone's outstretched leg. Everyone laughed and being embarrassed, they got up and left the cafeteria. As they were leaving Y/n noticed the boy looking at them, not laughing with the others. When everyone else arrived back at the classroom, a few students were still snickering. The teacher came in and started explaining what you guys were doing. 

"Okay students, originally we were going to have a pop quiz on what you learned last class, but because we have a new student, you're going to do a project with a partner of your choice. The project will be on this paper on the front." Everyone cheered but Y/n became nervous. They didn't know anyone in this class and it was unlikely that anyone would ask to be partners. The teacher came over. "Y/n, don't you have a partner? Oh that's right, since you're new you don't know anyone..." She proceeded to scan the room and saw someone without a partner.

 "Chanhee! Come over here please." Chanhee, who was the boy from the lunch table, got up from his seat in the back and walked up to Y/n and the teacher. "Chanhee, I know you normally work alone, but can you please work with Y/n on this one? They don't have anyone to partner with." Chanhee shrugged his shoulders and nodded. "Thanks Chanhee." He shrugged again and sat down in the seat next to Y/n's. "Oh, Y/n, here's another project sheet. I know you're still learning how to read Korean so this paper is all in English, you can give Chanhee the paper that's in Korean." "Okay Ms." Going back to their seat, Y/n went to sit down, but a girl at the desk behind them pulled the chair out from under them at the last second. As Y/n was about to fall to the ground, someone grabbed their arm and pulled them up. Looking to their left,  Chanhee had grabbed their arm to keep them from falling. He immediately let go and took the project paper.

 "Y/n, are you okay?" the teacher asked, and they said they were fine. The teacher turned to the girls and gave them detention. Y/n looked at the project and saw that you and your partner had to make a poster about a country besides Korea and put what was so good about the country, some key cities, famous people that live there, pictures, etc. 

"What country should we do?" Y/n asked Chanhee but he didn't answer, he just shrugged and sort of pointed at Y/n. "America? Uh okay, let's do America." By the time the end of school came the two had already had a basic idea and written some facts about America. "Well uh, see you tomorrow Chanhee." He nodded once and left. 

When Y/n got to their home they quietly went to their room, it was their foster father's quiet time, and if any noise was made who knew what'd he do. Getting to their room, Y/n closed the door and sighed. Their mind drifted to Chanhee and their impression of him. People seemed nervous around him, which meant that he had to dangerous, or a "bad boy". But they didn't really get that vibe from him. If he really was mean, then he wouldn't have let them sit at his table, let alone prevent Y/n from falling. 

'What did he do to make everyone afraid of him?' Y/n's thoughts were interrupted when there was a loud crash from downstairs. They shook their head, because that was most likely their foster father falling over the coffee table, his hangover keeping him from thinking straight. Y/n had moved to Korea a few months ago for some foreign exchange orphan program, where orphans go to a different country to be fostered/adopted. It'd already been determined where they'd live, but there were some issues with the education thing, so they couldn't go to school for a few weeks. 

Their foster "father" was horrible. He drank around 3 bottles of soju when he got home, and was extremely bossy and abusive. If what he wanted wasn't done when he said it, he'd hit them. Any chance he gets he throws insults, and if they mess up, he brings out the belt. "HEY KIDDDD!!! GET YOUR STUPID BUTT DOWN HERE AND CLEAN UP THIS MESS!" 

"Yes sir!" Y/n immediately left their room and got a broom, mop, some paper towels, and a towel. When they got to the mess Y/n just barely held in their sigh. There was broken glass on the hard wood floor, spilled soju everywhere, and the coffee table was knocked over. They went to work immediately, sweeping up the pieces of glass until there was not a speck of green bottle. They mopped up the soju on the floor, and used the paper towels/towel to soak up what you couldn't get. Finally, after struggling a little bit, the coffee table was flipped back over. "Now that you're finally done you slacker, go get me another bottle." 

"Yes sir." After getting  him another bottle he dismissed them and Y/n went back to their room. They went to their window, looking outside; it was the perfect view of the woods a few hundred yards away and the sunset could be seen. They decided to work on their project and took out their phone, looking up certain facts that had to be on the project.

The Bullied and The Feared(SF9 Chani) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin