What to do

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Y/n was led into a huge house just a few blocks away from the school. Their eyes went wide with wonder as they looked around the obviously antique house.

"What is this place?" They asked, looking towards the one person they actually kind of knew: Rowoon.

"It's Chanhee's first home, it's been in his family for over one hundred and fifty hundred years. It's still his, but he's leant it to us." One man that strangely resembled a fennec fox said quietly. The boys led Y/n to a couch and had them sit down.

"Now, are you going to tell me who his father is?" Y/n asked quietly, fiddling with their fingers. Some of the members let out a breath and looked at each other before the silver haired man spoke.

"I'm just going to say it straight. His father is in a very powerful gang, in the higher ranks, and is extremely close to the leader." Y/n's jaw dropped not only at the man's deep voice, but the news.

"Chanhee's mother met his father while he was on an assassination job. She was someone that worked for the target, but only because she was forced to. Chanhee's father was able to rescue her after she promised to stay with him. Skip forward a couple years, they're married and Mrs. Kang is now pregnant. Because he's so high up in the ranks, Mr. Kang is required to bring his son to the gang so he could continue the job once Mr. Kang passed away. If he didn't, Chanhee and his mom would be taken. Chanhee's parents didn't like that so they had Mrs. Kang and Chanhee fake their deaths while Mr. Kang became the "lone survivor" to tell everyone what happened."

"But...if that were the case, then nobody would know who Chanhee is and wouldn't be so nervous of him." Y/n said after thinking a bit. The fennec fox-like man from earlier spoke up.

"That's because the gang found out what happened, and they realized that this family wouldn't give up without a reason. So, a deal was made. ChanHee's father would stay in the Mafia, and Mrs. Kang and Chanhee would be left alone only if Mr. Kang completed a few certain...tasks. He had plenty of years to get them done, but if he was unable to, then Chanhee would be forced to take his place. If that happened, to make sure Chanhee would stay in the Mafia they'd put surveillance on Mrs. Kang and if he messes up or runs away...bang."

'Bang...' Y/n couldn't believe it, and the guys looked at each other while the information was being processed. Rowoon cleared his throat before speaking.

"That's...part of the reason why we brought you here. We saw Chanhee get into a black van before school started after you had already left the house. The gang doesn't know you live with them, and if they did you'd be in danger too." Y/n looked at him with wide eyes. 

"I would? Wow..." To say the news was shocking was an understatement. "So what now? If Chanhee's joining them now that means surveillance is being put on Mrs. Kang, and I'm guessing it wouldn't on just her, but the house as well- at least for a while. I just go back to the streets or to that hellhole I'm supposed to call home??" Y/n took a breath before continuing. "Although, I wouldn't mind going back to my foster father if it meant Chanhee could come back. I was starting to like him- not like that!" They protested after seeing a few of the guys raise eyebrows in almost a teasing manner.

"Well...for the housing situation, you could always stay here." The guy that had given Y/n their schedule on their first day spoke up; Youngbin? was his name. Youngbin shrugged a bit before speaking again. 

"It's paid for, always has running water, electricity, heating, et cetera. It does get cleaned once every few months but we know the schedule so we'll let you know in advance so you can leave. They won't find anything suspicious because it's pretty well known that we hang out here and sometimes stay for a few days. And I'm sure we can pull some strings and keep the school from getting suspicious." Everyone nodded; it sounded like a solid plan. A bit more planning here and there and Y/n would be set. Rowoon was next to speak up. 

The Bullied and The Feared(SF9 Chani) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now