Going back home

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You felt yourself falling backwards and braced for impact, closing your eyes, but it never came. Instead, you felt arms wrap around your waist and you were pulled into someone's chest. You opened your eyes to see none other than Chanhee's face inches from yours, his arms wrapped securely around your waist. His eyes widened and he quickly straightened you up, released his grip on you, then briskly walked back to the classroom. Suddenly a girl from your class came up to you, and she talked low so no one could hear: "Listen up you little newb. No one, and I mean NO ONE, gets to have physical contact with Chanhee except ME. Soon, we're gonna be together, and we'll be the most popular couple in school. So, if you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you stay AWAY from him. And just so you know, he doesn't even like you, which is why he left so quickly." She scoffed. "I mean, who would even like such an ugly person? So remember to stay in your lane, newb." And with that she went back to the classroom, leaving just you in the cafeteria.// You slowly entered the classroom, feeling all eyes on you, and sat down at your seat in the front of the class."Oh! Y/n! You're here today, that's good. Now, go sit with Chanhee so you can finish your project." You nodded once and quietly sat down beside Chanhee, ignoring his curious stares."Let's just finish this project." You said quietly, not looking at Chanhee. Unbeknownst to you, Chanhee was staring at you with wide eyes, trying to figure out what happened that made you so...depressed.// After school ended, you quickly headed back to your house, deciding that whatever you arrived to would be better than having to face Chanhee at his house. You opened the door to your house, and you were immediately welcomed by the stench of alcohol and cigarettes. You noticed your "father" wasn't home, and decided to surprise him by cleaning the dirty house, getting dinner ready for him, and waited for his return in your room just in case he brought home a "guest" or his friends. Suddenly you felt your phone buzz and you unlocked it to find that you had received a text from an unknown number :

Unknown: Y/n where are you?? You disappeared after school ended.
Y/n: Who is this? And how did you get my number??
Unknown: Whoops sorry, it's Chanhee

'Chanhee??!! How on earth did he get my number??'

Chanhee: When my mom informed the school about your absence, she was able to get your personal information ( I don't know how, don't ask me)
Y/n: Wow Chanhee this is the most I believe you've ever said to me. I'm touched \^•^/
Chanhee: Don't try to change the subject Y/n, where did you go?
Y/n: Don't worry, I just went back to my house
Chanhee: That reminds me, why didn't you go back to your house that night?
Y/n: Uhh... I kinda can't tell you that :/
Chanhee: Why not? I get that we're not super close or anything but if it weren't for me you wouldn't even be alive right now!

'He has a point...but I can't just TELL him..'

Y/n: Alright, I'll tell you. But first you have to tell me why everybody seems to be afraid of you.
Chanhee: ....if I tell you, will you promise to not leave me? And you'll also tell me what happened?
Y/n: Why would I leave you?? You're basically the only person I know. And yes, I promise, I'll tell you what happened.

Suddenly you hear a loud BANG and realize that your "father" is home. "YEOJA/NAMJA!!!" Your eyes widened as you realize that you made a mistake coming back here, and you're only brought out of your shock from the constant buzzing of your phone.

Chanhee: Okay are you ready?
Chanhee: Y/n you there?
Chanhee: Y/n?
Chanhee: Y/n answer me!!

You hurriedly text him back, hoping that he'll understand your quick message

Y/n: Made mistake. Dad. Home. Help...
Chanhee: Y/n don't worry I'm on my way!!

'He'll never get here in time...' Tears start to form in your eyes as you realize you're about to meet your end. You slowly get up and head downstairs, controlling your breathing the best you could, which is near impossible due to your anxiety. You walked into the living room, and saw your "father" with bloodshot eyes, staring at you with so much anger you could feel it. He narrowed his eyes at you and slowly started walking towards you. "Yeoja/namja....you have been a very bad girl/boy lately, don't you think?" You stood up straight, and lowered your head, your hair covering your face. "I asked you a question you little brat. And when I ask you something I expect an answer!" He slapped your face hard, causing you to fall and land roughly in a corner. 'He's madder and drunker than usual...' Your "father" stumbled over to you, and started kicking you in the stomach. He kept on kicking you and insulting you, never once stopping, not even when you started coughing up blood. Your vision started going blurry, and it wasn't just from crying. Just as you started losing consciousness, the door slammed open and you saw a figure that looked like Chanhee. "Ch-chanhee?" You managed to ask quietly right before you lost consciousness. "Y/n!"

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