The Cold

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When Y/n got to school the next day, they tried to remember where their class was, but they just couldn't remember. Y/n looked around to see if there was anyone from their class, but there wasn't a single classmate, and Y/n certainly wasn't going to ask a complete stranger where the classroom was. Suddenly Chanhee entered the school, and the best choice seemed to be to follow him to class. He  caught wind of their presence, and turned around and looked at Y/n, his eyebrows scrunched up. Noticing he only had one earbud in, Y/n told him that they couldn't remember where the classroom was. He sighed, rolled his eyes, and continued walking to class.

 'Well, he didn't show any sign that I couldn't come with him.' And so they continued to follow him to class, and this time he seemed to be walking a little slower. When they got to class, the teacher said to get together with your partner to keep working on the project. Y/n got up and went to sit with Chanhee, the facts written last night on a paper in their hand. When they sat down next to Chanhee, people started to look and whisper, and it made them a little uncomfortable. Chanhee must have noticed, because he glanced at Y/n, then looked over at the people who were staring, and they immediately looked away, making Y/n quietly sigh in relief.

 Y/n quietly cleared their throat, and handed him a copy of the facts from last night. The facts were simple and short, so making a copy in Korean was easy. The class quietly worked until lunch, and everyone headed to the cafeteria. Y/n still didn't really know anyone, so they decided to sit with Chanhee again. Y/n was at the table first because they brought lunch today, and while Chanhee was in the lunchline, a couple girls came up to them. 

"So newbie, what's your secret?" Y/n looked up at them, confused. 

"What do you mean?" 

"What I mean is, how did you get Chanhee to allow you to hang with him? He like, glares at anyone that looks at him. Well, besides the teachers, because he's respectful like that." Y/n raised their eyebrows in surprise. 

"We don't hang out, it's just, I don't know anyone and I'd rather sit with one person from my class than at a table full of students. And I sat with him in class because the teacher assigned us as partners for the project." Just as the girl was about to say something, Chanhee arrived at the table. 

"Well, it was nice clearing up stuff with you newbie, see ya in class." And with that she and her friends were halfway across the cafeteria in .2 seconds. Chanhee smirked a little as the girls made their escape, but he stopped when he saw Y/n looking at him. After eating lunch, there was still time before lunch was over, so they took out their class binder. Chanhee looked at them with a slightly raised eyebrow as the foreigner studied Korean, writing down words they didn't know so they could be looked up later. Y/n noticed his confusion and told him that being self-taught, they're still learning Korean and how to read it. He sighed, then glanced down at what was just written. He picked up the pen and surprisingly, wrote the definitions in choppy English. Y/n raised your eyebrows and said thanks. He shrugged which they took as him saying "it's okay" or something like that.

 Back in the classroom the two started putting the pieces of information on paper, which would then put on a poster in a "creative way" as the teacher said. Y/n was so focused on the project, they didn't even know they were shivering, their lips a slight blue-ish purple. What made them realize you were shivering with cold, was when a jacket was put in their lap. Confused, they looked over and saw that Chanhee had taken off his jacket, which left him in a hoodie.

"A-are you sure?" Y/n asked, still shivering as they hadn't put the jacket on yet. He nodded, and waved his face with his hand as if saying "I was too hot in it." Y/n nodded okay, and put the jacket on, a blanket of warmness consuming them. Chanhee was bigger than them, so the sleeves were too long and they had to be rolled up a little."Okay! Now let's officially start this project!" Y/n said excitedly, failing to notice Chanhee shaking his head and smiling a little. 

After school they tried to find Chanhee to give him his jacket back, but he was nowhere to be found. Y/n slowly walked home, scared to what they might arrive to. They remembered their foster father had left a note on the counter and checked it, and it said : Hey, stupid brat. Because I don't want people to know I have a stupid kid in my house, I deleted your number and am leaving you this note that you MUST take with you. When school's out, don't come home. I'm having a few friends over, and I don't want them to see you. Just stay in or near the park until I arrive, so you better hope you have warm clothes. 

'Great, looks like I'm gonna freeze to death. Even Chanhee's warm jacket can't save me from the freezing night temperatures. At least no one will be sad.' Y/n sighed as they curled under a tree, the cold getting to them. As they were about to pass out from the lack of heat, a silhouette appeared. Y/n was too tired and closed their eyes as they felt themself get picked up, then they were enveloped in darkness.

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