Waking Up

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Y/n awoke in a queen sized bed, bundled in comforters. They looked under the covers and saw that pyjamas, definitely NOT what they were wearing in the park. Y/n shrank into the blankets when the door opened, and a lady came in. 

"Oh! You're awake! I'm sure you must be confused and a little scared, but here, get dressed and then I'll explain what happened." Y/n nodded okay and she left, and they noticed your clothes on a chair, washed and folded. After putting the clothes on, they slowly opened the door, and looked out into the hallway. There were many doors down the hall, and across the hall there were stairs leading to the floor below. The smell of food came from downstairs and Y/n slowly left the room, and went down the stairs. 

Y/n entered the dining room, and saw the same woman making the table. She looked up when they came into the room and smiled softly. 

"Good, you're here. Have a seat so I can clearly explain what happened." They sat in a seat and she sat down beside them. "Okay, so I'm Ms. Kang and you're in my home on Seoul Street. A few nights ago my son was coming home from practice and saw you curled under a tree, turning blue and shivering like crazy. Luckily, he knew a shortcut home and picked you up, almost running home as he noticed you closed your eyes and your breathing was going slower. When he got home, he immediately put you on the couch and ran to get me. When I got saw you, I thought maybe he was too late. Your eyes closed, lips blue, and your breathing was SO shallow! But after a few moments, your breathing started to get stronger, and I knew my son had been quick enough. I had him carry you into the guest room, and after he left I put you in warm pyjamas to help warm you up. And now here you are, would you like some porridge?" 

Y/n nodded yes, and she got a bowl of porridge. Before they ate, they thanked her for the meal and asked how long they'd been asleep. 

"Oh, a few days. Let's see it was Tuesday, and now it's Friday." Y/n's eyes went wide. 'Oh no! Chanhee and the project!' "Oh, I forgot to mention something. I asked my son why you were wearing his jacket, and he said you two were partners for a project and you got cold and didn't have a chance to give it back to him. And about the project, don't worry. He's been working on it so you wouldn't feel burdened when you wake up." 'Huh? Chanhee's the one that found me?'

"Ms. Kang, I know I just woke up, but do you think I could go to school today?" 

"Why sure dear. Here, I'll drive you since Chanhee mentioned you were new so I doubt you know where to go." 

"Thank you ma'am." 

"No problem dear. Now, hurry and eat so we can go." After Y/n ate and finished getting ready, the two got into Ms. Kang's car and she drove to the school. 

"Dear, if you don't mind me asking, why were you under a tree about to freeze to death?" Y/n sighed, and decided to tell her the truth if she promised to tell no one, not even Chanhee. She promised. 

"Well my foster father had left me a note, that said exactly 'Hey, stupid kid. Because I don't want people to know I have a stupid brat in my house, I deleted your number and am leaving you this note that you MUST take with you. When school's out, don't come home. I'm having a few friends over, and I don't want them to see you. Just stay in or near the park until I arrive, so you better hope you have warm clothes. ' So I decided to curl under a tree and wait for death, since I have no one that would miss me anyways." Ms. Kang grabbed their hands in a comforting manner. 

"Dear, I think you're mistaken about that. I have NEVER seen Chanhee as worried as he was that night. Trust me, you DO have people that worry about you."


After the talk with Ms. Kang, the two arrived at school and they bid her farewell, thanking her for the ride. Y/n went into the office to sign in, and apparently Ms. Kang had already called and "explained" why they couldn't come to school. It was already lunchtime, so they went to the cafeteria. Y/n didn't have any lunch money and they didn't want to be rude and ask Ms. Kang if she could make lunch, so they just headed to the table where Chanhee was and sat down near him. He glanced up and looked surprised to see you. 

"U-um... I just wanted to thank you.. for not letting me freeze to death. Also, I'm sorry you had to work on the project all by yourself." Chanhee looked even more surprised and started shaking his head and hands, as a "No, no, it's okay!" Their eyes widened when they finally took in his appearance. He had slight bags under his eyes, his hair was ruffled, and his tie was loosely hung around his neck. 

"Woah! Chanhee, are you alright?" He raised his eyebrows, as if he was surprised they were worried about him. Looking down and feeling his hair, he realized he must look terrible. He fixed his tie, then fixed his hair a little before giving the thumbs up sign. 

"Okay..." They said skeptically, not really believing him. Just then their stomach rumbled, loud and clear for anyone who was within five feet of them, and that "anyone" was Chanhee. He tilted his head, as if asking "Don't you have any money/food?" 

Y/n laughed awkwardly, looking at their lap. "You see... I don't have any money for lunch, and I didn't want to ask your mom if she could make me lunch because I didn't want to be rude." 

He sighed, before pushing some of his food towards you.

"What? Really?" 

 He nodded, looked at the clock, then put up seven fingers, which was him saying "You have seven minutes to eat." Their eyes widened and Y/n immediately started to eat, not noticing Chanhee looking at them with slight amusement apparent on his face. When their finished eating, there was still three minutes to spare, and they giggled at Chanhee's reaction to how fast they ate. The bell rang and Y/n got up and started going to the classroom when suddenly they slipped on a small puddle.

The Bullied and The Feared(SF9 Chani) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt