My First Love.

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DISCLAIMER : This is not a fan friction of Boys Over Flowers Or Hana Yori dango, the idea was derieved and developed. Hope you enjoy this. Read and have a nice time. This is a pure work of imagination. All laws of nature and the working of institutions have been modified as per convenience. The characters and the places mentioned are purely friction and I if you feel offended, there is nothing i can do about it. Its my first time writing so please go easy on me. 


          Hai ! I am Kate Sarrouri, Just Your average Teen, no less and definitely no more. That was before, My elder brother Max, My Mom and I moved to Statsonville and I started attending Statson High with my Brother. I am not going to tell you about myself because eventually your going to find out anyway.

             Before We moved to Statsonville, I lived in New York. We had to move because my mom lost her Job and found a new one there. My mom used to work as a receptionist' cum Accountant in an Veterinary clinic run by Mr.Cronin. One fine day, Mr.Cronin by mistake switched laughing gas with oxygen and a dog literally ended up laughing to death, which ended up in a law suit and Mr.Cronin lost his Clinic and license. But his sister Lydia was Kind enough to get my mom a job and get us into school. We were not really in a position to decline her favour, So we ended up moving to Statsonville.

         I had a tough time saying goodbye to all my friend, especially Stacey, who seemed really apprehensive of my move. But the toughest goodbye I had to say was to My first and unrequited love Kevin. I first fell in love with Kevin when I was in my fifth grade. I don't remember exactly how or when it started but all of a sudden Kevin was the only person on my mind. I followed him around everywhere. We actually became good friends, but on Valentine's Day February 2003 around 6:00PM...............

I was waiting for Kevin outside The Net cafe (Our hangout spot). I wanted to give him the chocolates that I myself made for him. Kevin arrived at the scene and started walking toward me, he was holding a bunch of red roses in his hand. With Every Step he took towards me i could feel my heart pounding inside my chest. This is it the moment I have been waiting for all my life. He walked up to me and then got on his knees and pointed the roses towards me......

"Katie Bear, I have waited all my life for this moment. After this I dont care what happens to me. If I were to live i want to live with you, If I were to die I want to die with the satisfaction that I had conveyed my love to you. Please accept my heart!" Saying so he he gestured for me to accept the roses.

The proposal was a bit cheesy and not really my style. I am more of a "Carry me away on your white horse my Prince Charming" type, BUT WHO CARES !!!! KEVIN has told me that he loved me. The KEVIN, that I would die for, The KEVIN who that gives me a purpose to exist has conveyed his love to me !!!!!!! I am so happy that my heart is going to burst and happy tears started filling up in my eyes. KEVIN. KEVIN, KEVIN that's all I can think of now...........

But before I could tell him that I love him more than anything.... He got up

"How was my proposal? Not bad right? Ruby wouldn't hate it if i did it this way or will she?" That's what he said, the words still echoing in my ears.

He told me that he wanted to rehearse his proposal to Ruby (I can't bring myself to say it but... She is his Love), so he used me to rehearse since I had a very good eye for these kin of things. I just stood there petrified. What am i supposed to say? The happy tears soon started to intensify and they turned into not so happy tears. Then came the real Killer....

"Judging by your expression.. I am guessing you loved it !!! Didn't you ? You must be so touched look you are crying. That's my Kate. This is just one of the reasons why I love you.Kate you so have to help me with Ruby OK!!!" He said.

"You love me? I was waiting here all this while in the cold to tell you my feeling but you!!! Just who do you think you are ?? If you want to propose to her Just go ahead and do it why are you torturing me? You Player !! All these years I have spent thinking about Us!! Wait.. There was no "Us" was there? Its was always You and that Bitch !! Huh! what a waste"  that's what I wanted to say.

"OK!!!"  that was what i ended up saying with teary Eyes. And to top it all off Kevin borrowed the chocolates I made for him, so that he could give it to Ruby because he forgot to buy her some. That night like any normal person would do I cried myself to sleep.

But that was Years ago. I have totally moved on, or at least that's what i tell myself.... 

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