Elite school for the Rich ?

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     We arrived at statsonville around late at night. Max, mom and I chose our rooms. We were really exhausted and went to sleep right away. 

     Next day Lydia came over and told my mom to hurry to her first day of work, after promising her that she would take charge of everything. I somehow had a very bad feeling about this. Lydia came up to Max and me.

    "So you are Kate and Max I guess." she examined us from head to toe. Then she continued,

    " I would like to apologize to you guys on behalf of my brother, Because of his carelessness your mom had to lose her job and now you guys have to get accustomed to a new life. I dont have time to properly introduce myself or take you around town. So i will just cut to the chase From tomorrow you will be attending Statson High. It is a very esteemed school and you guys should be really glad that you have it in your resume. so please do your best. And my daughter Ronnie will tell you everything about school" She said after pointing at a blond girl standing near the entrance.

But wait ! I have to go to school tomorrow ! Is this some kind of joke !. 

The blond girl proceeded to walk towards me.

" Then i will get going. Bye!" saying so lydia proceeded to walk towards the enterance.

"Wow you must be Kate. Do you have any Idea how excited i was to meet you and your brother. I was really anxious as to whome i would take with me to the first day of highschool. Now i have you" said Ronnie excitedly.

What is wrong with this girl I mearly know her and she merely knows me but why is she getting so excited ? 

" Hai! you must be Ronnie ! " I said shyly.

Ronnie smiled at me enthusiastically. Max asusual was keeping up his cool act and began to walk away. Ronnie saw this and blocked his way.

"Just where do you think you are going. I havent told you guys about your new school yet !"

Max was at first relucant to hear anything but we managed to convince him. The truth is I was really curious about our new school and ronnie would talk about it only if Max listened to what she had to say. I think ronnie is ok afterall. I am lucky i met her. I was wondering what I would do on the first day of school, walking around alone, but Now I dont have to worry about it.

"Statson high is not just any other school, Its a really special school and as long as you guys stick with me you guys will be ok. Its the school where he richest of the rich send their kids to. Everyone you see on campus is is a millionaire With a few exceptions of billionaires and a few like us. Every Year few commoner students are accepted to our school to maintain a school like atmosphere and my mom managed to get you guys in." She said.

What is she talking about? What kind of a school is it exactly ?

"So what are we supposed to do tomorrow ?' I asked, not quite sure as to what question to ask.

"Well , no matter what you guys do don't ever make eye contact with anyone. and always stick to me, Do as i do and we will manage to survive through"

"Survive through ? Don't make eye contact? are you out of your mind. Are we in some kind of Horror movie production !. Thank you for this comical insight into Statson high. I have better things to do. Goodbye" Saying so Max got up and left, Laughing to himself.

Ronnie and i extended our conversation a little while longer and then she left after making plans to meet with me tomorrow. The way she described school was kind of scary, but even then i am looking forward to attending school. I have been through the vicissitude's of life before even if the school is not exactly my style i think i can manage.

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