Overwhelming Greatness !

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. It was 6:00 in the morning. I don't usually get up this early but today it was my turn to make breakfast. I got up from my bed and walked straight to the window. I opened the window letting in some fresh air and sunlight. It isn't really a breathe taking view from up here. But the early morning air was extremely refreshing. I yawned and stretched myself. Then i turned towards my bed. In a corner near the bed I noticed my school bag. A sudden realization dawned upon me. I threw myself into the bed. I pounded the pillow with my fist. Then I got up and sat on my knees, holding the pillow tightly.

"Why did I move into Statsonville? Why do I have to got to that dreadful school? Why is my locker next to the men's room? Why did I bother confronting that Idiot? Why? Why? JUSTIN STATSON !! I hate you! Vanessa! you vixen! I hate both of you !!!!" I shouted out loud on top of my voice. But it was fruitless. No matter what I did I couldn't release the intense frustration inside me.

Its been three days since that incident. Max has successfully made his debut as a rich plutocrat from Hawaii. Everything has been smooth for everyone except me. I became everyone's personnel favourite. Whenever they were bored or had nothing better to do, they would always pick on me. I was the most hated and unwanted person in school. 

But I was able to push through, thanks to Damon. Damon has now officially taken over the role of my dark Knight. I feel really guilty for depending on him but I have no choice. Even though at first I found it hard to believe, It turns out Damon and that Idiot are good friends after all. They sorted out their differences in the cafeteria that day.................. (flash back)

Damon asked me to sit with him for lunch. I was sitting next to him. Damon was completely consumed in a book and I was enthusiastically feasting on the surfeit Cafeteria food. Then and there he would look at me and give me a admiring smile and I used to smile back at him (honestly I didnt know how else to respond). His smile was absolutely delightful. He then closed his book and kept it in a corner. He placed his right elbow on the table and let his head rest on his hand, facing me. He fixed his gaze at me. I stared at him. "What are you doing?" I spilled out, kind of feeling fluttery.

"Your a very enthusiastic eater. Its an absolute delight watching you eat" he said in a dreamy nostalgic tone. All I could manage was smile. I dont know why but around Damon I am always at a complete loss of words. "I never get to eat around people like you. It fascinates me" was his next observation. Then again I smiled. I desperately wanted to break his gaze at me. I picked up some pasta with a fork and pointed it towards him.

"why don't You have it! Its delicious!" I exclaimed.  He just smiled to himself and then sat up straight. He then turned towards me and brought himself closer. He reached out for my face and used his thumb and index finger to wipe off the pasta sauce on my lips. I could feel his fingers on my lips. It wasn't the kind of touch that was supposed to arouse emotions, but I felt really fluttery. There were butterflies all over my body. I just glanced at him with eyes wide open as his surprisingly soft fingers slowly caressed my lips. he noticed my glance and looked up at me, his fingers still in contact with my lips. We starred just stared at each other. When suddenly a heavy crashing of plates startled us.

It was that Idiot !!! He had thrown his plate on our table, spilling some of the food. Oddly enough Damon seemed disappointed by the interruptions. For me I couldn't explain what it was. 

"What do you think your doing with that Pathetic girl !" inquired Justin. All eyes were on our table. I wanted to take this cut and escape from the scene. I stood

"I will be leaving first then" saying so I stood up. But Damon grabbed my wrist and pushed me into the chair. My plate hit against the metal table producing a sound and arousing whispers from the spectators. I heart began to pound and my pulse shot up. I have never felt this uneasy in my life. I just lowered my head and stared at the table. 

"She is not pathetic and its none of your business" Damon said. That Idiot seemed to be hurt by that comment. Justin looked around for a second.

"How long are you going to keep up with this act? Everyone knows that you want to be my friend again. So stop this !" Justin quipped. Damon completely ignored his comment. He opened his book and proceeded to read.

"Damon !" Justin was shouting on top of his lungs this time. "Why don't you understand that I am too great to be apologizing to you! Your my only friend because your as great as me but why are you acting like a lowlife over a Cat!!!" Saying so Justin got up and snatched the book from Damon's hand and flung it across the room. what's with him and books all he does is flung them around? 

Damon startled and fired up got up and punched Justin on the face. OMG! No Comments!!! Justin almost fell on the floor but then he gathered up all his faculties and stood up. He then smiled at Damon. "Now that you have punched the great me are you satisfied" He said looking lovingly at Damon.

Damon smiled. "That punch was for stepping on my cat's tail. When did I mention anything about not being your friend. Your the one who always keeps up the cold act." said Damon.

Justin giggled like a 10 year old. He mildly smiled and laughed to himself. He then walked towards Damon and threw his hand over his shoulder and exclaimed giggling, and Laughing to himself,

"Its true what they say then , Great birds flock with great feathers!" He chuckled.

I swear to god that everyone in that room was confused for a moment. What is he trying to say?.....

"Justin you mean, Birds of a feather flock together right?" verified Damon in a confused tone.

"Idiots ! It doesn't matter how many birds fly together! All that matters is how great the bird's feathers are!" replied Justin in a serious tone. 

What does that even mean? How can someone absolutely make no sense? 

The cafeteria erupted into timid chuckles.

"Who here wants to die?" Shouted Justin in a severe tone. The Cafeteria became dead silent. The bell rang and everyone left the cafeteria.

But I cant help but wander where exactly do i fit in all this confusion? Why did Damon make me stay back when I volunteered to leave? And Damon was pissed with that Idiot because he stamped Damon's Cat's tail? All this over a Cat? I was once again left dumbstruck! 

(End of Flashback)


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