Ice Cream.

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      I reluctantly got ready to attend school. I went into the kitchen to have breakfast. My mom greeted me with a smile. I realized how much I miss mom these days, now that her new job is keeping her on her heels all the time. "Sweetheart! I have a surprise for you !" She said enthusiastically as she walked towards me, she went behind me and covered my eyes. She started leading me towards the front lawn. "Mom, what is going on?" I asked curiously. She did not answer and continued guiding me along the way.

When we reached the front lawn, she removed her hands covering my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes to see a brand new Bicycle. I walked forward to examine it. It was perfect. I have always wanted one. I enthusiastically used my thumb to ring the bell. The sound somehow seemed magical. This was the best thing that had happened to me in all this while I have spent in Statsonville.

"I feel bad that you have to ride with Ronnie all the time. I know its not much but I hope you like it" Said my mom in a slightly nervous tone. Wait until she finds out that Max is actually borrowing a car from her.

"Mom what are you talking about ! Its perfect" Saying so I gave her a hug. It has been a long time since we hugged so my mom took me into her arms and kissed my cheeks. "Sorry. I make it difficult for you guys all the time" said my mom apologetically. I just shook my head in disapproval.

As I rode my cycle to school a thought struck me. What would the valet do when I ask him to park my bicycle. I couldn't wait to laugh at his bewildered expression. But then I realized I would be the one laughed at for coming to school on a bicycle. Not fair ! I cant even show off my new Bike.

I reached school and found the bicycle parking, which was deserted. I was the only one in school who rides a bike. Then again I never expected that a school like this would have a bicycle parking or need one on the first place.

Classes went smoothly. The bell rang and it was time for recess. Ronnie seemed really disappointed that I wouldn't ride with her anymore. So I treated her to Ice Cream in the school cafe (Which is entirely different from the school cafeteria). When I opened my purse to pay for it I realized I was running out of pocket money fast. So the first thing I decided to do after school was over was to look for a part time job. Ronnie and I decided to take a walk while enjoying the Ice cream. The air was really pleasant. Ronnie had now become my really close friend. She was one of the reasons why my life in Statsonville did not suck so badly. 

Ronnie and I were really enjoying the weather. We were standing on a raised platform on the playground. Ronnie moved to its edge and turned towards me.She then spread out her arms and said "Kate! Your my best friend ! I like you a lot" She said emphasizing on her spread out arm, which symbolized her amount of affection towards me. "I like you too Ronnie! Your my best friend! But Mr. Aron wouldn't appreciate us being late!" I shouted out to her. Ronnie turned her back towards me and marched forward. I hurried behind her. Ronnie crashed into someone and then fell into the ground dropping the cone of Ice Cream. I instinctively kneel-ed down to help her. I Helped her get back on feet and we both got up. 

Standing in front of us was Justin Statson, with Ice Cream smeared on his black leather shoe. He was glaring at Ronnie. Ronnie realized what had happened and apologized.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to do this." She said.

"Your Sorry? Do you know the value of my shoe! Thanks to you its completely ruined! What are you going to do about it?" asked Justin coolly , pointing at his shoes.

"I will buy you the exact same one" replied Ronnie earnestly.

"You will buy me a new shoe?" he quipped in a frustrated tone. "Do you think your richer than me?" he continued in a severe tone. Why cant he just let this go already?

Ronnie didn't know how to answer this question. She just stood there twitching nervously. By this time a crowd had gathered around us.

"Lick it" announced Justin. For a moment I couldn't believe what I heard. 

"Lick My shoe clean" He repeated. Everyone burst out into murmurs. I was shocked. Lick his shoe?

Now the other Idiots who have gathered around started shouting out "Lick it! Lick it! Lick it!" in chorus, proving their meaningless loyalty to the Alpha Idiot, Justin.

Ronnie was overpowered by these shouts that she proceeded to kneel down. As she did this she broke out into tears. Ronnie was now sobbing heavily. This is too much. I cant let this happen to Ronnie. I have to do something even if it would worsen my condition in school I had to do it. 

"Please stop this...." I stammered  "She apologized already, Don't make a fuss over such a small thing" I said. Justin's glare turned towards me. The crowd became silent.

"If you like you friend, alright I will let her go. But you lick it Instead of her" said Justin. Did he just ask me to lick his shoe? This is way out of proportions!. I knew what to do. If I don't do this now I will never be able to do it!. I am going to teach this Idiot a lesson.

I got down from the platform. I walked towards Justin Statson. I was still holding my Ice Cream. I stopped a few inches before him. He starred intensely towards me. I mustered up my courage. 

I then lifted me hand and smeared the ice cream on his black coat. 

"Don't look down upon other people. Your the only lowlife walking around the school!" I said on his face. Finally ! I must admit. It felt really good.

I then collected Ronnie's bag, grabbed her arm and walked away from the spot like nothing happened. Finally I was able to feel good about myself again. But I know I will have to suffer the consequences sooner or later. But whatever it is I know I will be able to face it!.


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