Max, a plutocrat ?

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          I woke up the next day, having mixed feelings about school. I reluctantly got ready to go to school and went downstairs. Since we just moved in last night, there were no groceries in the fridge yet. So as odd as it sounds, we had milk and chocolates (Chocolates my mom got as a welcome present from office) for Breakfast. Well we have had worse before, when my mom lost her job so it dosent matter. Anyway chocolates make me happy and confident, Good thing i had chocolates before school. But poor Max he was never able to accept or put up with our situation as long as i know. He got really frustrated. He was actually dressed in his best today, i think it would be appropriate to say he looked handsome.

         Ronnie was on time to pick us up, Infact she was a hour and a half early. Max wasn't too pleased to see her. Even if he were i doubt if he would show it. Ronnie caught us in the act while we were having breakfast. she remarked ,

" You guys are having chocolates and milk for breakfast ?" . I nodded in the affirmative.

"How lucky ? My mom never lets me have chocolates for Breakfast. Day in and day out  all i have for breakfast is Caramel cakes, scrambled eggs, waffles, pancakes, cheese souffles and cappuccino. Wait, sometimes she asks our maid to make something different but none of it contains any traces of chocolate."

I think i lost her at Caramel cakes, I would give anything to have such a grandiose breakfast but how come she is complaining soo much ?   I honestly don't know how to respond to such a remark. So all i did was smile at her. But Max

" I don't care much for your Breakfast menu. There is something else i need from you and Kate"

Ronnie gave me a quizzical look. 

"Don't look at me, We merely live under the same roof, we have nothing to do with each other other than that." I said.

We stepped outside into the front yard, Previously a luxury we couldn't have and now Thanks to Lydia we have one.  Max had a serious expression on his face. I wonder what it is that he want from me. The guy merely asks for any ones favour.

" I did not believe you when you told me about the school but when i googled it i realized what you told may mean something" he said.

WAIT, he googled our new school? So i am the only one playing without a full Deck? This is not fair!!!. Elder brothers are supposed to watch out for their sisters. Why cant my brother be a bit normal or caring for that matter?...

"Since it is an elite schools, I don't want to stand out as a commoner i am going to pretend to be a rich plutocrat from Hawaii, So you people Have to pretend like you don't know me. And Ronnie since you are rich, I need you to lend me a car. Kate you cant be my sister in school and as usual lets pretend like we don't know each other." Said Max

Is he in his right senses ? Pretend to be a plutocrat? If he wants to pretend fine let him do that. its not like its gonna make any difference anyway, we never speak to each other at school. But how can he ask Ronnie to give him a car. We met her just yesterday and he is already leeching favours from her. He is basically not a bad person but this is making him look like a villain. I have to say something about this to my brother now!! but before i could even say something,

"Great, I will get you a car. Why didnt i think of that before?. Kate maybe I can make you look like a plutocrat from Africa. Wow, Its really getting exciting"  Said Ronnie before i could say anything

" Ronnie, I thought my brother was not making any sense but why are you agreeing to him." I protested. Is that girl out of his senses. Who is the biggest Idiot, The one who wants to pretend to be a plutocrat or the one who wants to help him put it all together?

But no matter how much i opposed it my brother ended up being a plutocrat from Hawaii and my new friend ended up being his Sponsor. What exactly did she mean by telling me that there were a few exceptions "like us" in the school? In what way does mean "us". She's totally novae rich. But I dont like what my brother is doing. How could he leech of someone he met just yesterday.

Ronnie and I went to school together. Max followed behind. I remember entering a gate a long while ago, just how far away is the school building from the entrance? The school was picturesque. There was a caravan of cars in The entrance. Ronnie asked me to get down and she herself got down and handed over the car keys to a person standing by the entrance. The person got into the car and drove off. Soon after, another person occupied his position. 

Wait.... A school with "Valet Parking"? Maybe I am taking this place a little too lightly.

I followed Ronnie to a digital notice board. The list of students, the class they belonged to, their locker no and other essential details someone would need to navigate through school were posted and a lot of people were crowded around it. Thank goodness Ronnie and i belong to the same class.

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