Leaving without a goodbye

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  A week later

I've come to realize that my stubborn dad won't apologize. Hell he won't even come talk to me. Which I don't understand, because he's forced me to fly to Denmark for a ball. A masquerade ball at that. Teddy was excused from this family get away because he had "things" to do.

"Now Phoebe, I want you to act as nice as possible. There are a lot of important people there, do not embarrass your father." I rolled my eyes in my mind since I couldn't really open them. I was currently getting my hair and makeup done for tonight.

About an hour later I've been plucked, pulled, and made into someone that doesn't look like a hobo. I went to my dress bag. I'm a little nervous actually, I haven't even seen it yet. My mother picked both of ours out, hope all goes well.

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"Yes honey I'll make sure she behaves, no I won't let her act stupid

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"Yes honey I'll make sure she behaves, no I won't let her act stupid." I rolled my eyes. My mom was currently talking to my dad on the phone. He was already there. I don't think he wanted to make an entrance with me. Oh I don't really know, maybe I'm overthinking.

The lemo pulled up to the grand castle. It was a very breathtaking sight to see. The lights for
Christmas were up, and it is amazing. The driver comes over and opens the door for my mother and I. When the door opens i see my dad, he smiles when he sees my mom. He helps her out, I already know that he wont help me out so I try to get out by myself. That ends bad, I feel myself tripping over my dress. I wait for the hard fall, but it never comes. I look up to see my dad, he has a small smile on his face.

"You are so clumsy, just like your mother." I just looked up at him. I knew the only reason he did that, is because there are tons of cameras around. I faked hugged him and whispered in his ear. "Remember you fool everyone except me."

I put my head up and walked high . I would be lying if I said that the lights bothered me. I was raised in this life, I was used to cameras being all in my face . 

"Phoebe are you coming inside?" My mom said. I realized I was standing at the entrance to the palace. I nodded my head and walked in. I mingled with a few people for about an hour, and then I ventured off onto some balcony. 

I seen that there was a little table, and chairs. I sat down and got out my purse. I pulled out my phone. There were several notifications about my dress, and my dad, yada yada yada. I pulled up my bestfriend, Emily's contact and facetimed her. Her face popped up on the screen. 

"Phoebe you do realize that its like 6 in the morning here right?" I smacked my forehead, I had completely forgot. 

"Oops, I'm sorry. Want me to call you back?" she shook her head no. 

"Girl of course not, and question? Didn't you get your phone taken?"

"yes, but mom got it back. She said only if I was on my best behavior." She just shook her head in disappointment. She knew how my parents treated me different from Teddy.

"I'm sorry Phobes, I wish I was there to make you feel better." I felt a tear slip down my eye. I miss her. She is the only one who is completely on my side.

"Yea me too Emily, I really do." 

"Hey guess what though?" I looked at her with questioning eyes.


"Happy 18th birthday!" I hadn't even noticed. It doesn't feel like any birthday. Then something popped in my head. 

"Hey Emily, do you remember when we worked that job for like two years and put all that money in that bank account and we were saving it for the right time. " She nodded her head. 

"Yes what about it?" I gave her a smile.

"I think right now is the right time. I'm gonna take some of that money and go somewhere. That account is the only one that my dad cant track because he didn't make it. I have always wanted to go somewhere quite. Somewhere where no one knows me. I think I'm going to go to a small town in France. It would be perfect, and the plane ride wouldn't be so that long because I'm already half way  there." She had the biggest smile on her face. 

"Make sure you call me when you get there, and get a new phone. Trash this one. I will come as soon as you give me all the info, and use all the money you need to get the apartment or wherever we are staying." I nodded my head and sad my goodbyes. I just need to find a way back to the hotel to get all my belongings and then I can really leave.

I walked halfway down the steps and watched for my mother. I finally spotted her mingling with some of her friends. I walked down to her and pulled her to the side. "Mom I'm really not feeling good, can I have Taylor take me home?" I could tell she was really processing it, ether she really wanted to do agree or not.

"Yes you can, ill text Taylor and tell him. I hope you feel better." She kissed my head and gave me a hug. She whispered in my ear. "Happy Birthday my sweet girl, be safe." I looked at her confused. Before I could say anything, my dad pulled her to the dance floor without even noticing me. 

I walked out to the car, only a few cameras catching me. I smiled at Taylor. 

"Happy birthday Phobes." I tried to keep the tears back. Yea my parents treated me different, and so did the rest of my family except grandma, Taylor or Gail never related me different. I'm leaving them behind and that really makes me sad. 

It had to be done. I refuse to stay in a house where I am not wanted. I got in the front seat, Taylor just smiled. I have always had a sweet spit for Taylor and Gail. 

"Phoebe be careful is all im going to say. I know you more than you think I do, and  just want you to be safe." I gave him a hug. When he dropped me off he hugged me for a second and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. He had to leave because he had to pick up my parent sin an hour or so. 

I packed everything I had, all of my clothes I had with me. I was ready to leave. I was ready to get away from my father. I was about to smash my phone, but I got a text. I didn't look at it. I . dont care anymore. I took the phone and threw it as hard as i could down 20 stories. Hopefully it doesnt hit anything or anyone. 

And now finally, I was on my way.

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