Opening Up

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I wasn't even going to knock this time. I know they know I'm here, Taylor gets notified when the gate is opened. 

When I walked in the house was dark, and depressing. It's usually lit up, and the windows are open to let air in. But not this time, it was completely dark. I walked around, reliving memories when I was a child. 

The stairs 

"Mom! Mom! Teddy keeps picking on me!" I grunted, I was not picking on her. She was just being a cry baby.

"I am not! You are a liar!" She gave me a dirty look. She knew mom was going to take up for her, but I had dad on my side. 

"Oh whatever Teddy! You are the liar, liar!" I ran to dads office. I didn't want to play with her anyways. 

I laughed at the thought, we always were fussing and fighting as children, Never a dull moment in Grey house. I kept walking through and through, finding my way to Taylor's office. I wanted to talk to him before mom. I wanted to know if they had any contact with Pheebs, or dad. 

I walked to his door, I was going to walk right in but I remembered dads number one rule. Always knock 

I knocked on the door, Taylor answered with a smile. I joined him with a big hug, I had missed him. I noticed that he had gotten more grey hairs, and he was now growing a beard. It suited him 

"Teddy! How are you?" we both gave each other that look. We both knew how I was doing. It was just an icebreaker. 

"Life could definitely be better. I miss my sister." He frowned. I knew it had effected more than just my family, even though he is family. It effected everyone, even down to the Gardner's. Phoebe was such a joy to everyone, her bright smile could light up a room.

"Yeah I do too, I still don't forgive myself for not chasing her where she was going, but knowing her she wouldn't have told me. But I know you came here for your mom, I'm sorry I had been lying to you on the phone. Anastasia was very persistent that she didn't want to speak to anyone. She has been doing a little better, Gail has finally convinced her that she needs to eat." All of this was a lot to take in. I haven't seen my mother in a while, I missed her so much. I have to admit that I am scared though. Im scared to see the truth. 

"What about Kate? She had to have at-least talked to Kate. Maybe not uncle Elliot though," He shook his head. I was shocked, mom and Kate have been best-friends before we were even thought of. 

"Not even Kate. Kate stopped calling a month ago, now she just sends letters. Ana does read them, but she doesn't ever reply. She visited Kate when she first came back fro Denmark, from the ball. But that's it, she hasn't talked to her since.  Ive tried to convince her to get out of the house, but she won't. All she does is work, then come home." I understand the not going out part, I couldn't go out for a while either. The paparazzi are dying to get a look into this family. 

"Well where is she? I want to see her." he gave me the look of "are you sure you want to do this". I nodded my head. 

He pointed towards her room. 

I ignored dads rule of knocking, I knew she wouldn't answer. 

When I walked in I almost fell over. 

She didn't look the same. She looked dead, her skin was paler than usual. She was all skin and bones, I almost didn't notice her. 

She still hasn't acknowledged that I was in the room. 

"Mom" I saw her perk up. I was surprised, I thought she was going to react In a different way.

"Teddy?" She said in raspy, and questioning voice. She turned around and gave me the best smile she could. I walked over and hugged her with all my might. She was so small compared to me, I got my height from my father. 

I felt her whip into my chest, I knew she was hurting. I could physically feel her pain. I felt a tear run down my face, I never cry but my mother is a special person to me. You only get one. I squeezed her tight, I wanted all her pain to go away. 

After five minutes of crying, I finally spoke up. 

"Mom you need to shower, we are going to see aunt Kate." She looked up and shook her head. I knew she wasn't going to comply but she needed to get out of this depressing house. 

"Theodore, Im sorry son but I wont be stepping out of this house. I have nothing to say to the outside world. And as soon as I step outside there will be those stupid reporters everywhere. I don't want to deal with that, and I wont." I shook my head. I wasn't taking no for an answer, not this time. 

"Mom you have been stuck in this dark hole for way too long, you need to get out of this damn house, and plus you'll have to now: with what dad did." She looked up at me with confusion. I really didn't want to tell her this way, but it had to be done. 

"What do you mean?" The tears had stopped and the steam started.

"Well Mr. Grey  decided to leave mysteriously into the wind, and leave me, you, and Phoebe." She was pissed. 

"He didn't"

"Oh he did." I could see the rage in her face. 

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