Breaking free

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I opened my eyes, it was still dark and I was still in her bed. The pillow was soaked from my tears. It hurt so bad that she left, it didn't feel right without her here. She was always my sidekick when we had to the stupid functions. She was always the one who laughed with me at the rich snobby people.

I got up and went over to the mirror, I looked a mess. I didn't care though, I didn't care about anything at this point. I'm just so angry with Christian. I'm so angry that he was so selfish to see that he was pushing his baby girl away, his own damn child.

I opened the door, there Christian was sitting on the couch passed out. I knew he wasn't going to sleep in the bed without me. Oh well I didn't care at all.

I went over to my suitcase and got me and outfit for the day. I wanted to leave, and I was going to leave now.

After I got dressed I walked back into the living room, and seen that Christian was awake and alert.

"I'm leaving to go back home. I know you still have things to do, but I can't stay here. I need to go see Kate anyways." He nodded his head. He knew not to argue with me right now. He knew he was the one in the wrong.

Taylor grabbed by bag and we headed to the elevator. It was silent for a couple of seconds but I finally spoke up.

"I'm not mad at you for letting her leave. I promise you I really am not mad at all. I understand that you knew she needed to get away, so for that I am not angry." He looked at me with sadness. Phoebe is we also his sidekick. She always rode up front with him while Christian and I sat in the back. After Gail and Taylor lives out Phoebe always stayed the night with Taylor and Gail ever so often.

"I know Mrs.Grey I'm not worried about you being mad, it's Mr.Grey. I know he will be angry with me eventually."

"No he won't, he's going to blame everything ok himself. I will take care of it if he does though. In no way should you have any blame put on you." He smiled and gave me a hug.

The elevator door finally opened. We walked into the lobby and there they were. Reporters, cameras, journalists.. I did the usual put my sunglasses on, put a smile on and followed Taylor.

The ride to the airport was quiet. It's been a very longtime since I have been completely alone. I always had Phoebe to ride with me, or shop with me. She was my partner in crime.

We pulled up to the jet. I didn't even wait for Taylor it open the door, I just got out and walked straight on the plane. I just wanted to be in the comfort of my own home. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I already knew who it was.

Christian: have a safe flight, I love you

I didn't text back, I didn't feel like it and I didn't care. The pilot cake over the inter com telling me to buckle in.

This was going to be a long sad flight.
I was back home in my bed, in the big lonely house. It was 10 at night here so I was going to get some rest before busting Kate tomorrow. I knew it was going to be a long day tomorrow and I needed all the rest I was gonna get.

The Daughter of Christian GreyWhere stories live. Discover now