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Anastasia's POV

I watched her walk out the door. I knew she wasn't coming back. Christian had finally ran her off. I looked up at Taylor and he looked at me with questioning eyes.

I nodded my head. He knew too, we all did.

None of us knew why Christian was acting like this towards our baby girl. I didn't know why he just automatically always was so distant. Most people might think of me as a bad parent, but I am definitely not.

Christian loves Phoebe so much, he just can't look at her the same because she looks just like his mom. Yes he was over it, but when she was born she looked just like her. It didn't bother him at first but as she got older, the space grew wider.

It hurt my heart, but I always made her know that she was loved.

"What are you thinking about baby?" Christian put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"What do you think?" I moved his hand off my waist. I was angry.. she was leaving me, I know she is officially a grown woman now. But she was still my baby. I'm just tired of him using the shit as a crutch. It's been years, we are old. He needs to get over it.

"Anastasia, I'm not going to argue with you right now." I laughed at him. I was read to go home. I didn't want to be here anymore, I wanted to go lay in my one misery. I knew when I got there that see was going to be gone. I know she was.

"I want to go home Christian, now!" At this time everyone was looking at us. But I didn't care one bit, as the seconds go by I keep getting angrier and angrier. I'm tired of him.

"Well let's go then." He spoke with a soft tone. He knew I was angry. He knew that I was pissed to an extent.

I was so over everything. I needed to see my baby girl.

We walked to the doors, we stopped and said our bye's to the rich snobs. I'm so annoyed.

When we got to the car, Taylor gave me sad eyes. I then knew she was gone. I knew that she was far gone. That made me hate Christian even more.

When we got into the hotel room, Christian started to walk over to Phoebe's room.

"Don't bother, she isn't here." He looked at me for a second with an emotion I haven't seen in a while.


"What do you mean she isn't in there? Where did she go?" I laughed. He was playing stupid. He knew.

I stayed silent letting him relaize it himself, that our girl was gone. I seen the look in his eyes. It was sadness, anger, and everything else in the mix. I knew that he had finally realized what he had caused.

"I'm sorry Ana." I just shook my head. Sorry wasn't enough. Not this time. I took off my dress and got into a t shirt. I walked over to the bed and grabbed an pillow and a blanket. I was going to sleep in Phoebe's bed.

"Baby we've never slept apart. Don't do this." I walked to the door and turned around.

"I've also never had a child that ran away from home. Leave me be."

I slammed the door, I heard things breaking but I didn't care.

I just wanted my Phoebe

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