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I called mom, she didn't answer. She never really talks to me anymore since all of that stuff happened. She calls on holidays, and always sends a gift but she never wants to talk.

Phoebe has been gone for a year now. She hasn't called or even sent a letter. But again...Why would she want to talk to me? She hates me, she hates me more than she hates dad. Ever since we were little dad always showed me more attention. It was only because I was the smart kid and dad knew he could count on me to run his company. But since dad left it to all of us, I guess we might have to talk again. They might not like it but they will have to deal with it. We now all run one of the most successful businesses in the world.

Someone is going to have to run it. It's been 6 months since dad left, and no one has contacted me. I highly doubt anyone has contacted anyone. It needs to be done though, we need to work as a team, as a family.

If Phoebe wants to be stubborn, then fine. I will just have to find her myself.

I know I need to call mom but, I really don't want to. She never answers anyways, anytime I call she always has Taylor pick it up and has him say "she's not here, ill give her the message". Taylor knows I don't believe him, but Anastasia is his boss.

And we all know how Anastasia can be.


I decided today will be the day that I actually will go the the Grey house. I haven't had enough courage to go see mom, but today will be the day. 

It's hard because I know mom is hurting. I know that she hides it all, and I know that she is hurting deep. My mother doesn't hate me, she really doesn't hate anyone. She is a kind woman, always has been. 

When the family was actually normal, she used to get up and cook us breakfast every Saturday; it was our little tradition. She would always cook dad and I bacon, eggs, hash browns, and biscuits. For her and Phoebe she would cook pancakes and eggs. She always refused to let Gail do all the cooking, as you guys know. She so independent, and beautiful. I really do miss her. Thats why I'm doing this, this is why I want to go to the house. I know she will be there, and if she isn't there then ill just go the publishing company. I will talk to my mother today. 

I live in a condo, in Downton Seattle. Ive had it since I was 18. I normally never stayed there because of school. When I came back from school, I was planning on staying at the family house. But I was in for a big surprise, I truly will never forget that day.  


I was actually ready to come home. I missed my friends, but mostly my family. It had been a long time since I have just relaxed. Dad started me out young, so I've been going for a long time. But I know that everything will normal now. 

I missed my sister, and when I say that I mean I really miss her. Phoebe and I never have gotten along because of how dad treated me different from her; which I understand. I never had a day so in the matter though, thats what Pheebs doesn't get. She doesn't understand that I have had  with dad, telling him that this is an issue. He always blew me off. 

Today will be the day that I make meds with everyone, I want to be happy, I want us to be a family again. 

I pulled up into the drive way, I frowned. Mom usually has the garden looking really nice but its not looking too good, compared to usual. I didn't see as many cars as I usually do, which is weird. Dad usable has at least 10 cars in the garage, sometimes security. 

I parked my car, so excited to go in. I really have missed them all. 

Before I knock on the door, I hear yelling. I opened the door, and this moment is when my life changed forever. 

The house was a mess and mom and dad were arguing, but this was a different type of arguing. This was anger, pure anger. 

"What the hell Is going on?!" They both stoped in their tracks. Mom has tears running down her face, and dad has sadness and anger covering his. I was so confused, mom and dad are never like this. Ever 

"Christian why don't you explain it? Huh? Why dont you explain why our family is falling apart?!" My heart dropped. I assumed everything, what the hell was going on?

"Baby! How many times do I need to say sorry? I have tried my best to find her, I have my best men on it!" My confusion are, who is her? 

They weren't even acknowledging me all the way yet, they were still stuck in their argument. 

"Well maybe if you hadn't treated her like an outsider, you wouldn't have to be doing this Christian! and my name is Anastasia!" something bad has happened, something really bad. 

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on! Why are you guys yelling? I heard you all the way from outside!"'

"Phoebe is going Teddy. She left and is never coming back!" When my mom said, complete sadness took over her whole face. What does she mean Pheebs is gone? Where the hell did she go?

"What do you mean she's go-" 

"She left on her 18th birthday, she disappeared." I was angry, I was hurt, and so damn confused. 

"Where could she have possibly gone? Why haven't you guys found her?! Where the fuck is my sister?!" They both looked at me with sadness this time. It was bad, It was really bad."


When I pulled up to the house, I got flashbacks. The house was dark, the garden was no longer beautiful and colorful as usual. There is only two cars in the garage, Mom's and Taylor's. My stomach dropped. Its easy to block out the sadness and anger, but when you come back to where it all began... It hurts all over again.

The Daughter of Christian GreyWhere stories live. Discover now