Take out the Trash

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"Hey Allie, take the trash out on your way past please."

"Fiiiiiine." I called back, slinging my backpack over one shoulder and grabbing my keys from the table. Honestly what am I some kind of slave child? I don't think so. I thought as I passed the bulging waste bin and left through the back door.

I had more important things to do, plus the trash was gross and I didn't wanna touch it. There was a reason I'd never been called 'mommy's little angel' although to be honest I thought I was pretty good as daughters went. I made her a necklace out of macaroni and string back when I was six, and I wasn't currently addicted to anything other than pop tarts. What more could she want?

I picked up a stick from the gutter at the side of the road and started absently running it along the little white fences of the chocolate box street that ran before me. I put my headphones in and found myself another stick, transforming into the best freakin air drummer that Greenfield Avenue had ever seen.


The air in my chest was sharply cut out and repositioned itself underneath me. I was- I wasn't- on the ground? I could feel wind rushing past me and all I could see was the blue of the sky. I had never seen anything so sharp and clear, it was beautiful. How could I have never noticed the sky like this?

Then I could see grey. Spinning towards me faster and faster and faster. Glass and metal and blood red. The Tarmac rushed to greet me as gravity crushed me against it. I couldn't breathe to scream as I felt my body come apart at the impact. Tearing and snapping and then nothing.

Nothing but black.

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