Chapter 11 - Being A Jussinator

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When I started to support Juju, I thought I wouldn't have to sweat it or anything. But then challenges came my way as I wasn't prepared to face them. Having people continuously convince you he's gay whenever you say you have a crush on him. Having people continuously tell you it's not a great idea to like a grown man who's gay because he's clearly only into men. Having to sit back and support him while you watch people pick at him for being gay. Having to see your own people twice your age become extremely judgmental of his sexuality rather than looking in depth of who he is. It can be very intimidating, especially when ppl shame you based off of their religious beliefs of how wrong it is to condone homosexual activity. That they don't have to respect/accept the choice the person has made. And these are the type of scenarios that allow judgments to come in, as well as the judgments that Jussie stans like me have to face on a daily. It's like, why do you care so much about us making our own choice to love him? Why is it wrong to admire someone who's proud of who he is? Why is it bad for us to claim that we have a crush on him? So what he likes men? Last time I checked, he doesn't have an issue with embracing all of us no matter the amount of love we have for him. So you can miss me with that "why would you like someone who's gay?" BS. It be the straight ppl being quick to call out the homos as the bad ones. Just bc you think/were taught that being gay is a sin, doesn't mean others feel the same. I should have the free will to be in love with my fave who's gay, without it being a problem to anybody (especially my mom). It's crazy cause y'all will come at us for condoning gay activity, but wanna stay quiet when black on black crime happens. I'd rather him be gay than to shoot a black man who's just like him.

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