The Perfect Sunday before everything changed

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*Rewind the Sunday before the death*

"Do you want to see your farther today?" Mum asked. I had no idea of what to say I. He hadn't even tried to contact me in ages. What the  fuck was I supposed to do! "Kae, at least he's making an effort to see you" mum told me.
I sat on the lounge for a while "just go and see him! Who know what might happen! for all you know he could die any day" she said as I looked at her. "Fine, where and when?" I asked. Mum got her phone of usually she was texting Dad.

"Kae, I you meet him at his house down the road" mum said. I got on my bike with my brother and rode down there. "Dad" I yelled as I approached him. I hugged him so tight, I did miss him a lot but I still didn't forgive him for what he did to mum and our family.

Anyway he's like a massive fan of his Trucks (I'm not sure if I said it already) he had music and he got into his truck while I stood on the road and he started blaring music out.

He then showed me a video of him driving, "this is a really special video and you guys are the first people to see it!

"Lunch what do you want?" Dad asked us while he got out. We meet his house mates and then he grabbed his wallet and went to a little shop in the town called Local shop (it's not called that in real life) anyway he bought me a sausage roll and jake a pie! We also got a little thing. I got a diary and jake got a magazine. We walked around town and went back up to his house and sat there for little bit. "Let's go and see grandma and grandpa (dads, mum and dad)" dad said. Jake and I rode to their place which is really mum uncles and they live a bus! (I know right) anyway we stayed there for a while! "I thought you quite smoking Richard" grandma said. "I did for a little bit" dad said. He was such a dick head (I know I should this about my dad but really he was). Dad, jake and I left to go back. We went home after a long day spent doing hardly nothing. He gave all us kids a present including Aaron! I know this might sound weird but Aaron isn't my dads, dad. He has a different dad. Anyway he still gave Aaron something. We all got a fishing rod reel each and he forgot to give them to us, so I rode back down to him and got them. I kissed him and said "I love you dad! Don't forget that"

"I love you to my sweet little princess" he said back, I smiled and rode off on my bike back to the house😜

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